Category: CSS

  • Critical Analysis of the Education System in Pakistan


    • Introduction
    • Definition of education
    • Goals of education
    • Critical analysis of education
      • Private vs Government institutes
      • Lack of uniformity
      • Outdated curriculum
      • Lack of professional/quality/trained teachers
      • Examination system
      • Internal influences
      • External influences
      • Lack of resources
      • A large number of dropouts
      • Implementation of policies
      • Fewer budgets
      • Corruption
      • Conclusion 


    Education plays an important role in the advancement of a nation.

    As stated

    “When you have got that knowledge by means of education and when you have made yourselves strong economically and industrially, then you have got to prepared yourselves for defense, defense against external aggression and to maintain internal security”


    (presidential address at the conference of Punjab Muslim federation, 2nd March 1947) 

    Definition of education

    “Education is the process of acquiring knowledge, developing skills, training, learning of moral values, beliefs or habits, etc. Education is important for every age. It is irrespective of caste, creed, or gender.  It is necessary for a stable life, self-independence, self-confidence, etc. it brings reforms on the political, social, and economic levels.” 

    Goals of education

    The education system was first decided to form in the national educational conference held in Karachi in 1947. The decision of this conference was that the education system would work according to the national aspirations of Pakistan. The leader of the nation Quaid-e-Azam Muhamad Ali Jinnah said that the main goal of the education system is to develop the national character of the Pakistani generation. The national character, here, meant a high sense of responsibility, social integrity, and selfless service to the nation and to the country.

    At that time many educational committees were formed. But the rules and policy implementation criteria were very poor. Pakistan instead of progressing suffered a lot. Parental participation is very crucial for ensuring quality aspects. Home is the first school of the child. So without parental involvement, there will be less effective implementation of policies that will remain a far cry. In Pakistan, nowadays the education system suffers a lack of budget, lack of implementation of policies, poor physical facilities, political interference, old and outdated curriculum, lack of research, lack of facilities like science labs and computer labs, dropout at a high level.

    All these problems can be solved by providing adequate budget and proper policy implementation. Education is directly responsible for people’s development and growth in every sector.

    Critical analysis

    PVT vs Govt. Sector

    The education system is divided into two sectors. PVT and Govt. sector which promotes discrimination among people. The private sector is usually attracted by the elite class who can afford to send their children to expensive schools and don’t compromise on the quality of education. On the other hand, government schools are of low quality due to lack of accountability, inadequate budget, lack of qualified and trained staff is also the main reason for the poor education system. This is the reason people always look for a good education for their children.

    Lack of uniformity/poor

    The most important problem is also the lack of a single uniform education system. Different education systems are working in society, e.g: Madrassas, private schools, or govt. Schools. These are not working on uniform principles. These institutes have their own curriculum. And also a different environment. So, due to these reasons, the pace of polarization is accelerated in society. And due to this polarization, there is a huge social division in the social, political, or economic ground. The purpose of education is to bring national unity but this polarized system brought differences and gaps among the nation. And the circumstances further leading the division on the linguistic and regional ground which is gradually demolishing cohesion.

    Outdated curriculum

    The curriculum is a vital component through which goals of education can be achieved. But the curriculum of the education system in Pakistan does not meet the demands of present times. It is an outdated curriculum which only compels the learners to memorization of certain facts and figures. No further improvements are made according to the time and modern world. So this curriculum is unable to achieve the basic need for education. A curriculum should be based on research work, psychological, philosophical, and sociological foundations of education. Without practical work, research work, and adequate scientific knowledge, we cannot compete with the rest of the world. This curriculum only emphasizes memory or theory.

    Lack of Professional/Quality/Trained teachers

    Teacher’s important role in the education system. Without teachers, an education system cannot work. Professional/trained teachers are essential for quality performances. There are very small opportunities for training. Although there were different teacher training institutes formed now either these institutes are not well-resourced or being poor due to lack of pf funds/administrators. Thus, the consequences of their skills are not well-reformed and unskilled. According to research, teachers do not use new methods or strategies of teaching.

    Teachers encourage students to cram for the subjects. They don’t teach students how to work in science labs or how to use the equipment. They do not encourage the use of the libraries, and also do not develop reading habits in students. Teachers just ze the students rely on cramming to pass the examination. Teachers are responsible for all this mess.

    Dropouts at a high level

    Due to the lack of effective management of the educational institutions, there is a lack of discipline which eventually results in alarming dropouts. The reasons for dropouts from the education system in Pakistan are maybe, the punishments in schools, poor motivating environment, poor infrastructure of schools, and also weak parenting plays a huge role in school dropouts. This trend adds more to illiteracy rates as well.

    System of examination

    The examination is the process of evaluation of a student’s learnings. An examination should evaluate the students from all aspects of learning but unfortunately, the education system of Pakistan only evaluates on the basis of memorization. There is another factor for a poor examination system which is internal/external force. These forces encourage the trend of illegal or unfair means of exams.

    Lack of Resources

    There are no sufficient resources in educational institutes of Pakistan. Educational resources like laboratories, libraries, books, etc. Are not available in appropriate amounts. Other than the resources like books, there is also a lack of educational institutes according to the students, ill-equipped labs, and inadequate teachers also responsible for the poor education system.

    Policy implementations

    Policy implementation is also another reason for the poor education system. After the independence of Pakistan, different policies were formed to be implemented but could not be implemented in true sense. The different causes of poor policy implementation, lack of funds, lack of resources, corruption, political interference, etc.

    Low budgets

    The main reason for every department to flourish is the proper sufficient financial resources. The successive government of Pakistan, allocating less than 2.5% of the total budget of Pakistan which is insufficient for the education system to fulfill the needs of.

    In many developing countries, the budget for the education system has increased but in Pakistan, it is decreasing day by day. According to the research of the International crisis group, Pakistan is amongst those 12 countries that spent less than 2% of their GPT on the education sector. With the insufficient financial condition, it is impossible for the education system to achieve the goals of education in level.


    Corruption is ruining the education system of Pakistan. There is a weak level of accountability and check/balance in the education system, which encourages many illegal practices in students, teachers, or in examination systems e.g use of authority illegally, unnecessary favors promotions, and decision making. The examination system also experiences illegal external/internal favors for students and also the members of the education system.


    The education system develops nations. It is important in all domains of life such as social, spiritual, political, or economic. The reason for the development of countries is having an established education system. But in Pakistan, the education system is not playing a vital role in nation-building due to various factors. 

  • Higher Education as an Agent of Change


    • Introduction 
      • Definition of education
      • Role of education
      • Higher education 
    • History or evolution of human development
    • Economic development and higher education
    • Social development and higher education
    • Technological development and higher education
    • industrial growth and higher education
    • Political scenario
    • Role of higher education in building international relations
    • Role of the higher education commission
    • Conclusion 


    Human beings are the most blessed creature of the universe. Humans have priority because of sentience on other creatures. Education plays a great role in developing manners, ethics, moral values to move in a society.  

    As quoted:

    “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world’”

    by Nelson Mandela

    Role of Education

    Education is as necessary as oxygen to survive. It gives knowledge, builds confidence, and opens the doors of opportunities to compete with the world. Education helps people to survive on the individual level, national level, and international level. It overcomes poverty, provides employment, boosts up the economy of a country, decreases crime level, and these types of various factors make a nation super strong.

    Higher Education

    Higher education is the tertiary type of education also known as post-secondary education. It leads to an academic degree level. Higher education contributes to highly educated, professional and skilled people to the manpower of the nation. Scientists and engineers can develop more technologies to ease human life, highly trained managers can run their organizations more effectively, highly specialized doctors can do more relief to humans, and professional teaching staff can contribute more to the future development of youth rather than non-professional or least educated staff.  

    Higher education is important in every sector. It is equally significant in social, economical, political, technological reforms. 

    History or Evolution of Human Development

    There was a time million years ago when men used to live in caves, ate leaves of trees, no sense of wisdom, knowledge, how to live, what to eat, etc.

    According to science, the human brain developed from 650cc to 1500cc. Then the voice box developed and also various types of cries. Gradually, the pictorial language developed. After the invention of the wheel, printing was the major invention. It made it possible to store knowledge. In the last century, man has invented the radio, the telephone, satellites, and mobile technology, etc. it is only possible due to higher education. 

    Economical Development and Higher Education

    The strong economy is the backbone of the nation and the highly educated and innovative people directly contribute to the economy of the nation. So the people with higher education have better pay structures so they have lesser chances to remain unemployed and to live in poverty. According to research people with higher education tend to earn more than people like school graduates. So if a person is highly qualified then he will automatically value the importance of education and will continue education from generation after generation. This will increase the income of families from decades to decades. 

    Thus income will Eventually contribute to the economy of the nation thus improving the economy of the country. educated people contribute significantly to tax. Payments and local state and federal government levels.

    Social Development and Higher Education 

    Higher education affects people in the social sector. Social scientists lay stress on higher education in order to equip individuals with more skills and etiquette. 

    Though it is always not true, social scientists believe that highly educated people are more likely to behave soberly. As he/she will be more cultured. He /she will be more likely to engage in voluntary work, for example, donation of blood, etc. 

    Highly educated people are more conscious about their health and also take care of their hygiene. So children of highly educated people have higher cognitive skills than children of other people. 

    Educated people are supposed to be more responsible citizens than uneducated people. They are more aware of the importance of family, education, family planning, etc. They are more aware of drug abuse, smoking, violence against women, or child labor, etc. They are more prone to the disadvantages of these activities than illiterate people. That is why highly skilled and educated people are running schemes for youth promotion, promoting the culture of tolerance, eradicating poverty and working for human resources management. Technological development and higher education

    This is an age of technology. Technological development is only possible with skills and education. Examples of the technological revolution are from ringing alarms to ringing phones in our pockets, from stoves to microwaves, etc. These are all the miracles of technology. The significant changes in manufacturing, telecommunication, telecom industry, production, textile, sanitation system, clean water facilities, all are brilliantly done by highly skilled scientists and engineers. 

    All departments are working online and they store all data on their websites. This is only possible due to computer engineers. All organizations are dependent on the computer for their work. Complex Softwares have been developed. Different apps that are available on the play store are also an example of the technological revolution. Highly skilled professionals can help a lot to boost the productivity of organizations. 

    Industrial Growth and Higher Education

    Industrial growth is directly related to the economical growth of a country. Those countries whose industries are developed are most likely to appear stronger in the economy rather than other countries whose industries are not well-developed.

     High skilled laborers are required in industries to fully flourish. High profile technology, improved manufacturing, and production techniques operating heavy machinery, etc are only possible by highly skilled industrial managers. These factors will eventually boost industrial growth. 

    Political Scenario

    Political leaders are those who determine the entire attitude and destiny of the nations. People before the present age of education were experiencing political leaderships like monarchy, dictatorship, etc. Now people living in the age of democracy in which they elect their own representative. This only happens due to awareness. People know their interests better so choose leaders according to their interests. Education spreads awareness in every sense.

    On the other side, higher education also develops world-class leaders which represent the nation gracefully. 

    Role of Higher Education in Building International Relations

    This is an era of globalization. A country cannot remain isolated from other countries. So countries have to build international relations with all over the world. Countries improve relations with each other by exchanging student professionals so that they can learn from each other’s practices. These delegates of students are professionals who don’t represent them individually but in fact, Carry a whole nation’s image. So it is very important for them to be highly sophisticated and is only possible due to higher education which teaches them how to behave and how to live.

    On the other side, political leaders and foreign ministers also play a huge role in International relations so These political leaders should be highly skilled, qualified and educated.

    Role of the Higher Education Commission (HEC)

    The Higher Education Commission is working remarkably to improve higher education in Pakistan. It allocates budgets to government universities Which in turn offer scholarships. Scholarships are merit Best and to the needy students Who have an urge to get higher education.

    The following are developments by the higher education commission. 

    • Development of digital library
    • Development of computer labs
    • Development of multimedia and projectors
    • Development of online teaching and learning resources.


    Pakistan is in need of higher education reforms.

    Pakistan is a developing country so it requires effort to increase job opportunities, business opportunities, opportunities to eradicate poverty and invite investments and FDI, development of industry, development of IT, development of health, medical, engineering.

    So Pakistan needs revolutionary reforms in political and technological, social, and industrial sectors; these reforms are only possible due to higher education.

  • Modern Day Communication Via Social Networks Puts an End to True and Sincere Relationships


    Modern Day Communication Via Social Networks Puts

    Social interaction states that the interaction between two or more than two persons and the meaningful contact is required for this interaction. For example, the interaction between customer and shopkeeper, the sense of interaction between mother and child as child suckling’ mother. The basic interaction between the public and political conferences.·  Social interaction is basically an order of social action. Social action and social interaction are both processed by the worth of word interaction. Interaction is basically based on social groups, social processes, social fundamentals, and social elements. Social interaction is the interaction that changes attitude and behavior among individuals. Social interaction is the soul of life. It is always action-reaction in nature.

    The Interaction 

    It may be defined as it is the sort of contact between one, two, or more than two persons. It is always reciprocal in nature. It is a stimulus-response reaction.

     Elements of Social Interaction

    Modern Day Communication Via Social Networks Puts
    • Two or more than two persons.
    • The reciprocal relationship between them.
    • Influence on the event, behavior, and brain of an individual.

    These three conditions inter-relate with each other, and convert them into a social group.·

    Types of social interaction

    There are two prominent features of social interaction.

    • Physical interaction
      • Physical interaction in the form of interaction in which physical elements signify like, biting, beating, kissing, pushing, pulling, wrestling, hitting, kicking. Physical interaction is also called direct interaction. Two teams playing and a war between the two groups is the best example of direct or physical interaction.
    • Symbolical interaction
      • Symbolic interaction in the form of interaction the individual uses gestures and language. Language is the basic element of any culture. Interaction is also used in animals and birds. The human communications devised are sharp and effective more than that of animals. There are few examples of symbolic interaction.
    1.  Individuals use instruments to facilitate symbolic interaction like; Telephone, wireless, telegraph, postal system, sea, rail, etc.
    2.  Individuals use gestures for interaction. Deaf and dumb is one of the best examples of symbolic interaction.

    Forms of social interaction

    1. Between individual and individual
    2. Between individual and group
    3. Between-group and group
    4. Between individual and culture

          Social interaction is found in various forms;

    •  Between individuals and individuals is that form of interaction that is found between two persons. That interaction is found in the teacher and student, the mother and child, the customer, and the shopkeeper.
    •  Between individuals and groups is that form of interaction that is found among one and group of people. This sort of interaction is found teacher and students the teacher interacts with numbers of students at a once whole time. The speaker addressing the audience, the Imam leading prayers are the common examples of this interaction. This is one of the distinctive sorts of interactions.
    •  Between-group and group interaction is that interaction in which two teams are ready for matches or two forces are prepared for fighting against each other, two delegates are discussing an issue.
    • Between individual and cultural interaction is that in which people listen to the radio, watch TV, enjoy a movie in the theatre or cinema, listen to the news. This is, in fact, action-reaction interaction. This is reciprocal in nature. People have interactions in this way with mass communication and bring changes in their lives.

    Processes of social interaction

    • Competition
      • Competition is one of the basic processes of social interaction. Nowadays, competition is at the high edge in that era. Every social- culture competes with western societies for up-grading their socio- background and wants to seem superior from others. Thus in the general walk of life, everyone must compete for water and air that are essential for life. For example, in western countries there is always competition occur among high –scale business and industries but in Eastern countries, there is competition arise for the rare value of culture, IZZAT which may be either through economical or social possessions.
    • Conflicts
      • Conflicts take a dominant position in social- interaction. It takes place when members of any party or group actively threaten each other, injuring or destroying each other. Conflict may exist in varying degrees. It may be organized, physical, and intellectual.

    To Be Continued

  • Great Nations Win Without Fighting


    • Introduction
    • Characteristics of the great nation
    • View of Islam
    • History/background 
    • Types of fights
    • Positive effects of avoiding fights
      • Economical
      • Social
      • Political
    • Negative effects of Fights
      • Violence inhibits prosperity
      • Disability in structure makes space for extremists 
    • Great Nations Achieve Goals through Various Aspects 
      • Believing in solving disputes
      • Drawing up policies for minimizing the harm to mankind
      • Establishing good relations with other nations
      • Discouraging confrontation
    • Conclusion 


    A nation is defined as

    “People sharing the same ideology, coherent socio-political unit, and the same objective”

    Nations are continuously struggling for betterment. Those who sustained struggle and hard work became great nations. The reason for their sustainment is that those nations did not fight unnecessarily thus not disturbing their economy. Great nations believe in mutual cooperation and avoiding violence.

    “If everyone fought for their own convictions there would be no war.”

    Leo Tolstoy, War, and Peace

    Characteristics of Great Nations

    Great nations are those who are following the laws, indulged in national development rather than fighting or disputing with other countries.

    • Great nations are civilized
    • Great nations are educated
    • Great nations influence working on social welfare
    • Great nation remain coherent with rules and laws set by the government
    • Great nations avoid violence, fights, and wars.
    • Great nations know the aftereffects of wars. 
    • Great nations learn from history and do not repeat the mistakes of past

    Quaid e Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah’s motto:

    Unity, faith, and discipline make a nation honorable

    View of Islam

    Islam is the name of peace. Islam word itself derived from “SLM” which means peace. Islam prefers peace as obvious from its verbal meaning. Islam seeks harmony and peace among any society, the ummah and also with the world. If any Muslim society is facing conflict with any other society then they should go for peace first in order to solve that conflict. 

    As stated in a verse of the Quran:

    If the enemy inclines towards peace, then you should also incline towards peace and trust in Allah, for He is the One that hears and knows all”


    Every teaching of Islam is based on the principle of peace and harmony.


    Hadiths are the verbal messages given by the prophet of Allah. He also spread love, peace, and harmony among the Muslim ummah. 

    World Peace According to Quran:

    “O ye who believe! be steadfast in the cause of Allah, bearing witness in equity; and let not a people’s enmity incite you to act otherwise than with justice. Be always just, that is nearer to righteousness. And fear Allah. Surely, Allah is aware of what you do.”

    (Ch.5 v.9)

    Islam allows war or fights in some specific conditions like for self-defense or when they are expelled out of their homes or lands. Or the other condition is when any defenseless people are exploited or attacked and they ask Muslims to help.  Even for the wars and fights, Islam has set limitations. If the enemy proposes peace, Muslims should immediately stop fights and wars. Muslims are not allowed to force their religious faiths on non-Muslims. 

    The permission to fight in the Quran is only for defensive purposes. A true follower of the Quran is not allowed to initiate war or to kill innocent people.

     For Socio-Economic Purposes:

    “Those who spend in prosperity and adversity, and those who suppress anger and pardon men; and Allah loves those who do good;”

    (Ch.3 v.135)

     And also:

    “And in their wealth was a share for one who asked for help and for one who could not.”

    (Ch.51 v.20)

             And the case of those who spend their wealth to seek the pleasure of Allah and to strengthen their souls is like the case of a garden on elevated ground. Heavy rain falls on it so that it brings forth its fruit twofold. And if heavy rain does not fall on it, then light rain suffices. And Allah sees what you do.” (Ch.2 v.266)

    For Social Purposes:

    “Verily, Allah enjoins justice, and the doing of good to others; and giving like kindred; and forbids indecency, and manifest evil, and wrongful transgression. He admonished you that you may take heed.”

    (Ch.16 v.91)

    Islam prohibits oppression, aggression, fights, wars, and revenge. This is the Islamic point of view which is not represented by the western media.


    World War 1

    World war one began in 1914. It happened due to the assassination of Archduke Franz Franz and lasted till 1918. Germany, Austria-Hungary, Bulgaria, and the Ottoman Empire fought against Great Britain, France, Russia, Italy, Romania, Japan, and the United States(the allied countries or powers).

    • Over 9 Million military soldiers died and 7Million were permanently disabled.
    • It caused the downfall of monarchies for example in Turkey, Germany, Russia, etc.
    • World war imbalance the economical situations of most countries like European countries left in deep debts and made the US industrial power. 
    • The highest inflation rate was observed.
    • The economy of Germany was highly affected as it had to pay for reparations. 
    • Influenza started in that period which later on became epidemic because of troops traveling all over the world.
    • It caused a lot of bitterness amongst the nations. 
    • World war 2 was the biggest after-effect of world war one.

    World war 2

    The main combatants for world war two were Axis powers, Allied powers, and China to a lesser extent. Axis powers included Germany, Italy, and Japan. Allied powers included Great Britain, France, the United States, and the Soviet Union.

    It lasted from 1939 to 1945.

    • Before world war 2, the world’s population was almost 2 Billion. Almost 80 million people died in this deadliest war out of 2 Billion.
    • It led directly to the cold war over the next five years.
    • This war destroyed a huge amount of properties. Over 1000 billion spent in this war. America also spent 350 billion dollars. It totally destroyed buildings, roads, and infrastructure of the countries which eventually destroyed the whole economy and prosperity of countries.
    • This war led to the emergence of nuclear fission. The uranium bomb dropped on Hiroshima killed more than 140,000 people in one month.

    These factors destroyed the economy of the world.

    Types of Fights

    Different types of fights or wars have been observed yet. 

    • Cold war
      • It is not the direct war that was actually fought. It is mainly the economical, social, political, or military tension between the two countries. For example the war between the United States and the Soviet Union from 1945 to 1991.
    • Colonial war
      • It is basically the term related to many conflicts that arise when foreign powers settle and try to make colonies on overseas territories. For example, the war between armies fought in Asia and Africa.
    • Insurgency 
      • An insurgency is termed as rebellion movement which arises within a country against the present government. The biggest example of insurgency is the US. The United States was formed by an insurgency movement.  
    • War of independence
      • The War of Independence was fought for the sake of liberty or freedom. It is the do or dies situation. 
    • Civil war
      • It is defined as the war between the citizens of the same country. It can happen due to industry vs farming disputes, expansion, slavery, uneven distribution of resources between the citizens, injustice, etc. 
    • Religious war
      • It is the war due to religious issues. The religious issues may be between modern liberals or religious scholars or between sects of a religion.
    • Nuclear war
      • It is the war due to political strategy or military conflict in which nuclear weapons are used.
    • Proxy war 
      • Proxy war can be defined as a war fought between groups or smaller countries that represent the interests of other large powers or have support from them.
    • Range war 
      • It is the type of war usually of violent conflicts. The most examples are the wars fought in the American West in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. 
    • Border war
      • It is also referred to as bleeding Kansas. It is also termed a series of violent conflicts. It is fought between free-states or pro-slavery elements. 

    Positive Effects of Avoiding Fights

    The following are various positive aspects of avoiding fights.


    The economy can be defined as a state of a country or a region by making and trading things of value. It may be physical things or services as done by people. It may also define as careful management of sources which are natural reservoirs or human skill development of a country. Basically it is used to measure how states use their resources in order to fulfill their commodities and how they trade them to other states or societies.

    A country or a state faces financial challenges when the resources that are used to improve the economy are being used in war, fights, or conflicts. Thus resources are destroyed. If a country avoids fights and wars this will automatically turn up its economy. The resources, funds, or treasure used for welfare projects. Jobs are provided to people. Unemployment will get off when more jobs or business opportunities will be there for people in a country or state. When people indulge in doing business, the economical growth in a country will be at a higher rate. 


    Political stability is also an advantage of avoiding fights or wars. When wars are fought that brings political instability. If the economy of a country is disturbed then it will automatically shatter down political stability. Good governance and political stability play huge roles in avoiding wars and resolving disputes. 


    If wars and fights are avoided then those funds can be used for social projects. Those funds can spend on health, education, etc. Social projects for the progress of a country can change the destiny of a nation. A country’s infrastructure can totally be modernized. It helps to eradicate poverty and unemployment. 

    Negative effects of fights

    Violence inhibits prosperity

    great nations win without fighting

    Wars and fights bring destruction. Destruction of everything from natural resources to man made buildings. 

    “The choice is not between violence and nonviolence but between nonviolence and nonexistence.”

    Martin Luther King Jr.
    great nations win without fighting

    “If we don’t end the war, war will end us.”

    H.G. Wells

    Disability in Structure Makes Space For Extremists

    Wars disrupt the economical, social and political structure of a state. All the policies get muddled due to the disputes. Extremist parties may get space when disputes happen. Extremists are of both types, religious and political. 

    Great nations achieve goals through various aspects

    • Great nations achieve goals by resolving disputes instead of getting into fights or wars. War is not the solution to any problem. As stated by

    War is never a lasting solution to any problem.

    A. P. J. Abdul Kalam
    • The main quality of great nations is that they make up policies in such a way that they do minimum harm to mankind. For example, policies related to the environment.
    • Building good international relations with other countries is also the main feature of great nations.
    • Due to any clash, confrontation should be discouraged. 


    War is not a solution. Fighting is not an option. The nations need to understand that time has changed. Fights should be against

    • Poverty
    • Unemployment
    • Diseases
    • Lawlessness
    • Corruption 
    • Extremists
    •  Secratararian
    • Polarization
    • Terrorism
    • Illiteracy in science and technology

    Fights or wars against other nations, states, or countries should be resolved on the table rather than in fields. Different platforms like UNO, SAARC have been formed to encourage table talks. 

    “When the rich wage war it’s the poor who die.”

    Jean-Paul Sartre, Le diable et le bon dieu
  • Not Economy But Politics is the Key to Success



    The economy is defined as a state of a country or a region by making and trading things of value. It may be physical things or services as done by people. It may also define as careful management of sources which are natural reservoirs or human skill development of a country. Basically it is used to measure how states use their resources in order to fulfill their commodities and how they trade them to other states or societies.


    And politics is all types of activities associated with the governance of a country or organization. It involves all the debates, decisions that have to be implied in a country.

    The interdependence of Economy and Politics

    An economy involves export, import of goods and exchange of services. If a state or country has strong and fine politics then the economy of that country will automatically grow up. Good decisions and good governance lead to strong economic power. 

    “The Practical men, who believe themselves to be quite exempt from any intellectual influences, are usually the slaves of some defunct economist. … in the field of economic and political philosophy, there are not many who are influenced by new theories after they are twenty-five or thirty years of age so that the ideas which civil servants and politicians and even agitators apply to current events are not likely to be the newest.”

    John Maynard Keynes


    It is also obvious from history that the economy and politics are co-related.

    Example of the United States

    A domestic program of Franklin D. Roosevelt is also referred to as the First New Deal. He was the 32nd president of America. He brought political reforms in order to improve the economy of the US. This policy involved a series of public welfare projects and financial reforms. So good politics brought revolutionary reforms to the economy of a state.

    Third World Countries

    Bad governance is the main reason for the worst economy in underdeveloped countries. Poor political setup and the feudal role plays a great role in disturbing the economy. 

    Role of Democracy in building Economy

    Democracy can be defined as the government elected by the majority of the people of a state. People may run it directly or by the elective representatives. In a democratic government, there is a higher GDP rate due to civil liberties and a very reduced social conflict. Democracy also helps in eradicating various programs that are not beneficial for the people of a state or country and the most important advantage is that it is responsive, legitimate, and there will be accountability for every action of the government. There will be a reduced poverty rate and unemployment. When people are satisfied with the government then the economy will eventually boost up. 

    The Supremacy of Law

    All people have equal rights according to the constitution of 1973, article no.25. It ensures that all are equal before the law and there shall be no discrimination on the basis of sex alone. So if law practiced on every level from poor to the middle class and middle class to elite class then there will be no air of injustice and people will be aware of the rules and regulations of law.  

    International Relations

    International relations are the relations of a country with other countries or states of the world. It includes cooperation, sharing of resources and technology while also helping each other in pandemics, terrorism, etc.

    So a country should develop good relations with neighbors and also with the whole world. Good International relations help in the growth of the economy. It is the need for a country to have good international relations. A country cannot be isolated from other countries. The whole world is dependent on each other for the sharing of resources. 

    National Branding

    It is very important for a country to market on a global level in order to grow its economy. National branding can be done in various ways is marketing the products of a country on the international level, presence on social media presenting the culture and heritage in vlogs, good governance, a better trading system, and improving tourist attractions and showing it to the world. All these factors if presented well on the global level then more nations, societies, and people would attract that specific state. It also helps in improving the image of a state or country to the whole world. And also a major factor in economic growth. 

    Political Agendas

    Politicians run many campaigns in order to win elections. If the politicians are loyal and sincere to the state then these agendas urge the nation to support the politicians. The promises during campaigns turn into reality one time and which in turn improves the economic conditions of the state. The economy grows by increasing employment opportunities, business, and academic facilities, improving international trade, etc.

    Elimination of Poverty

    Different employment opportunities will be created When politicians play their roles very well. Poverty can be eliminated by improving the education system, providing jobs to people, improving fiscal conditions and also having good governance. These following factors help in eliminating poverty which in turn will improve the economic conditions of the state. 

    End of Terrorism

    A strong political setup is needed to deal with chaos, civil war, and terrorism. Nations have won the war on the table. Terrorism exploits the economic state of a country very badly. Sound political conditions can overcome the war of terrorism. 
    Eventually, the economic conditions of the state can be improved. 


    It is true to say that not the economy but politics is the key to success. The economic condition of a state depends on political stability. The dream of economic development cannot be materialized without powerful and farsighted politics. If resources management is not carefully taken and observed due to weak political leadership then the economy,  a country will automatically lose its economical development. 

    Good governance ensures accountability and transparency in institutions.

    The lesson of history is that you can’t get your economy right if you don’t get your politics right.

    Stephen Cohen
  • There Should be Colleges Just for Men/Boys and for Women/girls


    co-education essay
    • Introduction
    • Current scenario of education in Pakistan 
    • Need for education
    • Concept of gender in Muslims
    • Culture of Pakistan
    • Factors responsible for separate institutions
    • Perception of coeducation in our society
    • Factor to increase the literacy rate in our society
    • Possible results of a separate education system
    • Conclusion


    Human beings are the most blessed creature of the universe. Humans have priority because of sentience on other creatures. Education plays a great role in developing manners, ethics, moral values to move in a society.  As quoted by Nelson Mandela:

    “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world’”

    The word education is derived from the Latin word “Educare” to bring up which is related to educere “Bring out, bring forth what is within or bring out potential, etc.  

    Education can be explained in two senses.

    • It is an act that has an influence on a person’s mind, character or physical ability.
    • In a technical sense, education is the process by which society transmits its knowledge or skills from one generation to another.

    Type of Education

    Formal Education

    Formal education is a fully planned, structured and systemized type of education. Informal education, fees are paid regularly. It is subject-oriented. It has a specific grading system. Curriculum and syllabus are provided to the students. It is important for a good career as it helps in finding good job opportunities. Schools, colleges and universities are examples of formal education.

    Informal Education

    It is the type of education that occurs in regular classrooms but not subject-oriented and out of the structured curriculum, There is no formal curriculum or syllabus. Informal education is spontaneous. Examples of informal education are self-directed learning, coaching, networking or peer programs, etc.

    Non-Formal Education:

    It also takes place outside the recognized institutions. It is an open-ended education system. In the non-formal education system, age or time limit is not fix. Anyone can get involved in either the public or private sector. Examples of the non-formal education system are vocational training programs, lifelong learning programs, aesthetic activities, etc.

    Current Scenario of Education in Pakistan

    Pakistan is facing a very critical situation in the education system. Pakistan ranked 113th out of 120 countries in education according to UNESCO’s education system. Pakistan’s literacy rate is only 57%. 

    Need for Education

    co-education essay

    Education is as necessary as oxygen to survive. It gives knowledge, builds confidence, and opens the doors of opportunities to compete with the world. Education helps people to survive on the individual level, national level, and international level. It overcomes poverty, provides employment, boosts up the economy of a country, decreases crime level, and these types of various factors make a nation super strong.

    Concept of Gender in Muslims

    Pakistan is a Muslim country. The concept of genderism is different in Islam as compared to the West. According to Islam, scriptures or cultural traditions may affect the relationship between males and females. Islam gives proper dress codes for Muslim women.

    As in the Holy Quran

    “O children of Adam, we have provided you with garments to cover your bodies, as well as for luxury. But the best garment is the garment of righteousness. These are some of God’s signs, that they may take heed.” 7:26

    So if we are living in a society that has a co-education system then there will be more evil things related to Islamic purdah. Islam has gender discrimination in the sense that women are obligated to cover themselves by doing hijab or veil. Women and men are spiritually equal but it has been preferred that men are superior to women as they are both physically and emotionally strong. So separating institutes for men and women is quite necessary according to Islam.

    Culture of Pakistan

    Pakistan is an Islamic country so it practices the Muslim culture of ancient Rashideen caliphate to the early Ummayad period. Islam does not allow coeducation. So it is a tradition of Islam from caliphates to the present era. And Muslims follow this tradition. It also fulfills the complete dress code as guided by Islam. Our cultural and moral values do not allow coeducation according to the Islamic code of conduct.

    Factors Responsible for Separate Institutes

    There are so many factors which explain why separate institutes are necessary

    • First, it is again the law of nature. Boys and girls are temperamentally different from each other 
    • They have different duties to perform. According to Islam, a girl is required to receive education in order to become a good wife and a good mother. 
    • But coeducation may have negative impacts on the minds of teenagers
    • Strict traditional parents are also reasons for demanding separate schools and colleges for girls and boys.
    • Unethical situations may be developed. When both girls and boys study in the same place there would be more chances of unethical activities like harassment or emotional foolishness.
    • Depression or physiological problems are the main reasons for the co-education system.
    • It is natural that the opposite sex attracts each other, this can disturb the momentum of the study. And this is the main reason students destroy their future.
    • Some religious parents do not allow their daughters due to the co-education system because they think this as immoral and unethical activities.

    Perception of Co-Education System

    Coeducation is perceived as a useful education system but actually is not. Many advantages of the co-education system like to build confidence or develop a sense of competition have been explained but it has more disadvantages than advantages. So Islamic countries discourage the co-education system. It is basically the western education system. And it is restricted in Islam. 

    Factors to Increase Literacy Rate

    It is a strong factor in increasing the literacy rate in those countries which oppose the co-education system. Parents ban their daughters to join those schools, colleges or universities that have a co-education system. So having separate schools, colleges or institutes influence the literacy rate. Education is a very necessary element for girls. When girls are educated, their countries become more strong and prosperous.

    Stated by Michelle Obama.

    To educate a girl is to reduce poverty.

    Stated by Kofi Annan. 

    If you educate a man, you educate an individual but if you educate a woman, you educate a nation.

    African proverb.

    Possible Results of Separate Institutes

    Single-sex schools or colleges yield better results. Females feel more comfortable in girls than in boys. Separate schools and colleges have less violence, gender discrimination, and physical or emotional harassment.

    Boys and girls have a different attitude towards learning. Boys learn better in cool classrooms while girls perform better in warm classrooms as reveals from studies. So there should be separate schools and colleges for boys and girls according to their learning perspectives. 

    Purposes of Education in Society:

    Religious Purposes

    Religious education is the education of a particular religion, its various aspects, faiths, beliefs, etc. Religious education helps people to learn about their religion and teachings of it. So people should know about the actual beliefs of their religion. And how to act upon them.

    Social Purposes of Education

    The development of society is directly related to education. The sense of well-being is enhanced which further encourages good physical or mental health. It broadens the vision of people and opens up their minds. It removes baseless beliefs and hatred from society. It helps individuals to differentiate from facts and myths.

    • Education develops awareness among society about the actions of the government either to protest against the actions or support it.
    • The most important social purpose of education is to obey law and order.
    • If a person is well-educated and has information about all the rules and regulations of law then he would act maturely. 
    • No incidents or robberies will happen if everyone is obeying the laws of society.
    • Education plays a vital role in the prosperity of a nation. It helps people to learn about more ways of earning. For example business opportunities, investment methods, job facilities. 

    Economic Purposes

    Co-education Essay

    Education helps in strengthening the economy of a country. It is directly related to the economy of a country. As people’s education improves, human capital also increases and also productivity and creativity. More educated workers will tend to work more productively and earn high salaries. 

    The following are general purposes of education.

    • The main purpose of education is to get more information and knowledge about every little aspect of life.
    • Education can bring positivity in life.
    • It strengthens the mind of a person so he can learn how to deal with the challenges of life.
    • Education makes people more productive.

    So, education is very important for a nation to grow and to compete with the world. 


    The consequences of co-education are harsh. Pakistan is an Islamic republic. And 95% of people residing in Pakistan are Muslims. Islam influences purdah on women or girls. The term hijab mentioned in Quran is 5 times.

    “O you Children of Adam! We have bestowed on you raiment to cover your shame as well as to be an adornment to you. But the raiment of righteousness, that is the best. Such are among the Signs of Allah, that they may receive admonition.” AL-Quran(7:26)

    And another verse says,

    “O Prophet, tell your wives and your daughters and the women of the believers to draw their cloaks close round them (when they go abroad). That will be better, so that they may be recognized and not annoyed. Allah is ever Forgiving, Merciful.” Al-Quran(33:59)

    Hence, it is clear from both religiously and culturally that separate schools, colleges, and universities are far better than the co-education system.

  • Tourism in Pakistan

    Tourism is traveling for fun either it is for pleasure, fun or business. Tourism is universally known to travel for fun, sightseeing or camping. People who travel are called tourists and places, where they stay, are called resorts. I travel a lot; I hate my life disrupted by routine. Caskie Stinnett (author of one man’s island)


    • Types of tourism
    • Subtypes of tourism
    • Tourism products
    • History of tourism in Pakistan
    • Sights/areas for the attraction of tourists 
    • Importance of tourism
    • Advantages of tourism
    • Disadvantages of tourism
    • Strategies to improve tourism
    • Conclusion 

    Types of Tourism

    There are three basic types of tourism.

    1. Domestic tourism
    2. Inbound tourism
    3. Outbound tourism

    Domestic Tourism

    As obvious from the name, when people take holidays, breaks and trips in their own country then this type of tourism is known as domestic tourism. For example, the people of Pakistan visit the northern areas of their own country.

    Inbound Tourism

    When a foreigner or non-resident of a country visits another particular country then it is known as inbound tourism.

    Outbound Tourism

    When a resident of a particular country visits countries outside the residential country then it is known as outbound tourism.

    Subtypes of Tourism

    Recreational tourism

    The basic purpose of tourism is recreation. To make out time for family and go on trips. That is why tour packages have become so popular.

    Environmental tourism

    The affluent and opulent people usually visit those tourist places which are pollution and environment friendly.

    Wildlife tourism

    It is animal-friendly means People watch wildlife animals living in their natural habitats.

    Historical tourism

    Tourists want to know where and how their forefathers lived. They love to visit heritage locations, temples, churches, museums, forts, mosques, etc.

    Ethnic tourism

    This refers to people visiting other countries or regions to observe their cultural values. For example folk music, dress culture, etc.

    Adventurous tourism

    This type of tourism usually belongs to the youth. They go for trekking, climbing, river rafting, etc. Only people with strong nerves can go through.

    Sport tourism

    This type of tourism is basically for sports purposes. 

    Tourism Products:

    • Accommodation- Hotels, Motels, guests houses, beds, breakfast, camps, etc.
    • Hospitality- Food and beverage serving services
    • Transport services- rail, road, water, air network services.
    • Travel agencies- tour operators and destination management companies.

    History of Tourism in Pakistan:

    From the 1970s to the  1990s, the tourism industry was a flourishing industry. Countless Europeans, Australians, Canadians used to visit Pakistan due to its beautiful sights and its diverse cultural heritage.  PIA was amongst the top 10 airlines in the world. 

    Tourists and mountaineers used to travel to visit the northern areas of Pakistan. Pakistan earned huge revenue in this phase. In the 1980s Olympics were held in Karachi. Many honorable personalities like Queen Elizabeth, boxer Muhammad Ali visited Pakistan. Cricket matches also took place in that era. Many high profile people visited Pakistan in that era. All of those cannot be nominated here.

    Sights/Areas of Attraction for Tourists: 

    Pakistan has four provinces, all of which have beautiful scenic sights which attract tourists from all over the world.

    Gilgit Baltistan:

    Tourism in Pakistan

    Gilgit Baltistan is actually home to mountain peaks. The world’s second-most highest peak K-2 is also situated in Pakistan including Nanga Parbat. 

    Tourism in Pakistan

    Shandur, the world’s largest polo ground is also situated in GB.

    Tourism in Pakistan

    Attabad lake was also formed in 2010 after the landslide.

    Tourism in Pakistan


    The city of Multan is in the province of Punjab. It is an interesting mixture of ancient Sufism and dynastic rule. It reportedly starting with Hindu occupation then witnessing Greek invasion and after then finally witnessing a long era of Muslim Sufism. That is why it is known as the city of saints.


    Tourism in Pakistan

    Tharparkar desert is included in Sindh. It consists of jumbles of towns and villages. In monsoon, the desert is transformed into an oasis and visitors flock there.


    Tourism in Pakistan

    Pakistan is diverse in ethnicity. Kalash valley is an example of a beautiful culture. It is in the province of KPK.

    Advantages of Tourism

    • The tourism industry helps to boost up the economy.
    • It brings opportunities to beat unemployment.
    • Traveling freshers the mind of people.
    • It is a source of employment for tourist guides, restaurants and local people in that area.
    • It gives the opportunity to meet new people.
    • Different cultural patterns can be seen.
    • A well-developed infrastructure and facilities for tourist attraction sights, also play a great role in growing tourism
    • It promotes cultural awareness.

    Disadvantages of Tourism

    • It may create cultural variations.
    • It causes seasonal fluctuations.
    • Imbalanced funding is also the reason for tourism.
    • Tourism puts stress on local land which further causes soil erosion.
    • It can increase the population.
    • It can result in natural habitat loss.
    These following factors can disrupt nature which is the key source of tourism.

    Strategies to Improve Tourism

    Security and Safety:

    From the past few decades, Pakistan is facing the terror war that has eventually had negative impacts on tourism. The tourism sector is neglected by successive governments. So Pakistan should improve security conditions in order to improve tourism.

    Improving Infrastructure

    The government should pay attention to improve the infrastructure of tourist attractions that are providing more facilities, constructing routes, etc.

    Emergency Evacuations

    Emergency evacuation plans should be formed. If in case of any emergency, for example, fire, storms, flooding that tourist attraction, tourists should know about the emergency exits. 

    Easy Booking of Hotels

    Online websites and apps should be made so that people from all over the world could easily access all the information regarding booking.

    Some more strategies are:

    • Baggage handling should be ensured by the tour operator agencies.
    • Our Airports suffer various drawbacks which should be improved.
    • Personnel training should be provided from airport staff to the staff of resorts for the purpose of better hospitality.


    The tourism sector is the only sector that needs more and more exploration so the government should take steps for exploring new tourist attractions. Pakistan is blessed with natural beauty including historical heritage which if exploited properly can boost up the economy of Pakistan. It has improved after the mission Zarb-e-azb but more attention is needed. 

  • Globalization

    The word globalization is derived from the word globe which casually means the world. Globalization is the interaction of the nations among themselves from individual to government level. It is the interconnection of the countries through technology, goods, services or technology. John Baylis, an international author, and the pro-vice-chancellor of university explains the idea of globalization in three domains. He said that ,

     Globalization is the interconnectedness between the people and countries and these are connected through three domains which are:

    • Social(technology)
    • Economy 
    • Political   

    Outlines : 

    History/background – globalization is not a modern term. It has been practiced from ancient times. People from an early age are also involved in trading and other communication factors. The term globalization has been modernized in the 19th century.

    Theories of globalization – As globalization started, different theories were formed like industrialization, the universality of economic pattern, the cobweb model of world politics, and the theory of international society and the international system. These theories well explain the globalization process.

    Advantages – globalization has various advantages such as the elimination of poverty, employment opportunities, technology improvement, economic boost up, traveling become easy, tourism, free movement of workers, movement of goods, cross-culture, military sharing, the formation of multinational companies or opportunities to other countries, etc.

    Disadvantages – The advantages of globalization include devaluation of the currency, reduction in social expenditure, loans from international institutions, no accountability, no local companies promotion, mismanagement of resources, disease sharing, promote terrorism, westernization, etc.

    Conflicts of globalization – different ideologies have different aspects of globalization. 

    Factors – factors promoting globalization.


    Globalization is the cross-border interaction of people or governments. It was in practice from ancient times but modernized in the 19th century. The examples of ancient interactions are : 

    Silk Route

    Silk route was a historic route for trading purposes from the 2nd century B.C to the 14th century. It connected Asia, Africa, and Europe.


    Discovery of Sea Routes

    Sea routes were discovered in the 14th century by Portuguese explorers under the command of an explorer named Vasco da Gama. This was the first recorded trip made directly from Europe to India via Cape of Good Hope. The main purpose of the exploring route was trade. 


    Arab traders moved to Ceylon :

    Arabs traded with Ceylon(Sri-lanka) in the 7th century A.D Arabs brought the merchandise and bartered them for spices that Sri-lanka had.  Thus globalization is an ancient term that interconnected people. 

    Globalization in the 19th Century

    During World War 2, 44 allied nations gathered at Mount Washington Hotel These 44 nations signed an agreement named “Bretton Wood agreement” dated 1-22 July 1944. Through this agreement, 3 institutions or departments formed which today is known as: 

    • IMF(international monetary fund)
    • World bank
    • GATT- now known as WTO.

    Another institution formed is UNO in 1945.

    Theories of Globalization: 

    The theory of globalization explains how people of one country connected with the people of another country. 

    Theory of Modernization:

    The theory of modernization explains how industrialization pace up modernization. People in an industry interact with each other and promote modernization.

    The universality of Economic Pattern: 

    As we focus on history, it is obvious that the least developed countries followed the economic pattern of well-developed countries. The theory of universality of economic pattern follows the same rule.

    The Cobweb Model of World Politics:

    The world is connected through different issues like poverty, UNO, terrorism, global warming. So the countries are connected like the cobweb model which promotes globalization.

    The International Society and International System:

    International society is the association of state and how they interact with each other(in a society). The international system is the idea that influences the whole international society. For example in the cold war, some countries adopted the pattern of democracy and some countries adopted the pattern of communism. 

    Advantages of Globalization

    • Due to globalization rate of poverty decreases in a country as there will be more sources of employment. 
    • Technology sharing among countries bring revolutionary changes regarding employment and economic purposes. 
    • People can move easily from one country to another as transportation becomes so easy and people are more interconnected with each other.
    • Tourists can easily travel to the whole world.
    • McDonald’s is a European fast-food company that is now serving in many countries. It is just due to globalization.
    • It promotes cross culturing. When people travel and interconnect with each other than cross culturing of dresses, sports, ideas, languages seems to happen.
    • Military exercising with other countries. Suppose a country does not have an idea about military exercise then another country shares its military to teach them.
    • Multinational companies also increase the interconnectedness which provides sources of employment. 
    • More opportunities-for example KSA is rich in oil while Pakistan is an agricultural country. So trading between agricultural products and oil is also the advantage of globalization.


    • Devaluation of currency- it occurs due to free trade. It is supposed to devalue the products of a country to increase the sales which eventually reaches the point where the currency will lose its value in the international market. For example that of Zimbabwe.
    • A reduction in social expenditure is on health, education, social life. And it is a major disadvantage. 
    • The loan from the international institution- IMF provides loans to the countries which in turn impose policies of their own will in that country.
    • Globalization in Russia, 1986- globalization dramatically affected Russia and Russia completely lost its economy in 1989. 
    • No accountability-globalization is the only international system that has no accountability.
    • Formation of multinational countries- it is actually a loss to 3rd world countries.  The multinational companies will enjoy national treatment in the free trade system that is a major loss to local businesses. 
    • Mis-management of resources- the industries or companies formed in a country will mismanage their resources.
    • Disease sharing- diseases spread easily due to the interconnectedness of people. Coronavirus is a major example of globalization. People are now forced to live quarantined. 
    • Supports terrorism- for example, a country is facing any terrorist activity then the interconnected country may also face terrorism due to interconnected borders.
    • Westernization 
    • Globalization prevails mostly by the west that influences the culture of the west.


    Idealism ideology-  It supports globalization which promotes peace.
    Realist ideology- If globalization is in the favor of the state then do it.
    Marxist ideology- Marxist condemn globalization. According to them, it is a western policy to impose their values
    Reza shah pahlavi- He wanted to promote modernization but not succeeded and the revolutionary changes occurred in that era.

    Factors Promoting Globalization:

    • International organization- world bank, IMF, UNO
    • Multinational corporation- coca-cola, McDonald’s.
    • International media- CNN, BBC, Al-Jazeera.


    Thus globalization has both advantages and disadvantages. A country cannot be isolated if it does not interact with any other country either for sports, economical, political or due to any other factor.  So globalization can be adopted but in a useful sense that will not disturb the economical, political or social structure of a country.

  • Peace the Essential Message of Our Religion

    Peace the Essential Message of Our Religion

    Peace is basically defined as the time without any wars or fights.  Peace is all about calm or tranquil.  Peace is derived from the Latin word “pax” which means tranquility. It is a state which is full of calmness and absence of war.

    Misconceptions about Islam:

    The word Islam is derived from the Arabic word Al-Salaam which means peace. Islam itself is a region of peace then how it is possible that Islam teaches something that is violent or full of aggression. In this era, Muslims have been the victim of terrorism so far. This situation is manipulated by anti-Islamic components just to cause misapprehension about Islam. Some extremists spread misconceptions about Islam which are totally wrong. Islam is the ancient region so westerners have many doubtful misconceptions about this well-known religion.

    We can see the practical life of Hazrat Muhammad(PBUH). He was the messenger of Allah to convey the message of peace, honesty, piousness, integrity, harmony, and love. He PBUH did not perform any act of violence of terrorizing in his whole life rather he showed mercy and kindness even on animals. Islam basically teaches manners and moral values to behave well in society. As stated in the religious book of Muslims “Al-Quran

    Whoever kills a human being without (any reason) manslaughter, or corruption on earth, it is as though he had killed all mankind.

    Anti-Islamic elements are spreading rumors about Islam and Muslims which we see in newspapers and media daily. These anti-Islamic elements linked Islam with brutal and violent actions. But the fact is every Muslim and non-muslim is a hunt of this violence. Now the question is if Muslims are linked to these brutal actions then why they are attacking their own Muslim countries? Islam is the religion of peace. They are not Muslims if they are not following the teachings of Islam. Islam teaches peace and harmony among people. It is a conspiracy of the enemies of Islam against Islam and Muslims to defame them before the whole world. 

    Teachings of Islam About peace:

    Islam prefers peace as obvious from its verbal meaning. Islam seeks harmony and peace among any society, the ummah and also with the world. If any Muslim society is facing conflict with any other society then they should go for peace first in order to solve that conflict.  As stated in a verse of the Quran:

    If the enemy inclines towards peace, then you should also incline towards peace and trust in Allah, for He is the One that hears and knows all” 5:61

    Every teaching of Islam is based on the principle of peace and harmony.

    World Peace According to Quran:

     “ O ye who believe! be steadfast in the cause of Allah, bearing witness in equity; and let not a people’s enmity incite you to act otherwise than with justice. Be always just, that is nearer to righteousness. And fear Allah. Surely, Allah is aware of what you do.” (Ch.5 v.9)

    Islam allows war or fights in some specific conditions like for self-defense or when they are expelled out of their homes or lands. Or the other condition is when any defenseless people exploited or attacked and they ask Muslims to help. 

    Even for the wars and fights, Islam has set limitations. If the enemy proposes peace, Muslims should immediately stop fights and wars. Muslims are not allowed to force their religious faiths on non-Muslims.  The permission to fight in the Quran is only for defensive purposes. A true follower of the Quran is not allowed to initiate war or to kill innocent people.

     For Socio-Economic Purposes:

    “Those who spend in prosperity and adversity, and those who suppress anger and pardon men; and Allah loves those who do good;” (Ch.3 v.135)

     And also:

    “And in their wealth was a share for one who asked for help and for one who could not.” (Ch.51 v.20)

    And the case of those who spend their wealth to seek the pleasure of Allah and to strengthen their souls is like the case of a garden on elevated ground. Heavy rain falls on it so that it brings forth its fruit twofold. And if heavy rain does not fall on it, then light rain suffices. And Allah sees what you do.” (Ch.2 v.266)

    For Social Purposes:

    “ Verily, Allah enjoins justice, and the doing of good to others; and giving like kindred; and forbids indecency, and manifest evil, and wrongful transgression. He admonished you that you may take heed.” (Ch.16 v.91)

    Islam prohibits oppression, aggression, fights, wars, and revenge. This is the Islamic point of view which is not represented by the western media.

  • Feminism

    feminism in pakistan

     “ Feminism is a theory of equality in the social, political and  economical beliefs of both genders”

    History of the Feminism

    Henrich Cornelius Agrippa and Modesta di Pozza di worked for feminism in the 16th century.
    In 1792, a book published named “The vindication of the rights of women”. In this book, the writer argued for the equal education of women to become more capable and independent. The wave of feminism began in 1848 in Seneca falls when the first gathering devoted to the equal rights of women. Elizabeth Cady Stanton was the leading figure for the first organized women’s rights movement. 

    Basically, feminism is divided into three waves. 

    1. The first wave started in the early 19th and 20th century refers mainly to the suffrage movements concerned with women’s rights to vote.
    2.  The second wave started from the early 1960s to 1980s which refers to the social rights of women
    3. The third wave is from the 1990s which refers to the continuation of the 2nd wave and also a response to the failure of the second wave.

    Types of Feminism

    • Radical feminism
    • Socialist feminism
    • Cultural feminism
    • Liberal feminism
    • Islamic feminism

    Radical Feminism

    It is the most extreme form of feminism. Its influences on there should be the complete elimination of gender from society to overcome the concept of sexism from society. For example, a radical feminist would say that new technologies should be introduced like to grow babies outside the woman’s body so as to be equal to men. In fact, the whole traditional family system is rejected.

    Socialist Feminism

    It is a bit less extreme than radical feminism but still calls to end capitalism. It focuses on social and economic politics. A Socialist feminist argues that capitalism oppresses the social rights of women as men get higher pay than women for the same job.

    Cultural Feminism

    Cultural feminism actually originated from radical feminism. It is based on a theory that men and women have different approaches to the world but the women’s approach is actually superior to men. It influences the philosophy that women are better in cooperation, relationships, and peace.

    Liberal feminism

    Liberal feminism states that society holds false beliefs that men are superior to women in intellectuality and physically. It argues about the complete equality of gender in all social or political means. 

    Islamic Feminism:

    It is all about the role of women in society according to Islam. It aims to equality of all Muslims regardless of caste, color or creed. It emphasizes the role of women grounded in the Islamic framework.

    Feminism in Pakistan:

    The new wave of feminism includes from all over the society regardless of status, class, creed, color discrimination. They say that women are known for centuries but have not been appreciated due to male dominant society.

    There are two aspects of feminism in Pakistan

    1. The first one modern, Islamic feminism.
    2. And the second one is secular feminism.

    Modern, Islamic feminism involves Islam for equal women’s rights and follows Islamic laws. This one appeals largely to the lower, middle and upper-middle-class of society.  Secular feminism involves equal human rights regardless of gender and religious conversations. It usually belongs to the elite class.

    Secular feminists are labeled as the proponent of western culture which molds Islamic teachings according to their own ease. Feminism is not an anti-Islamic concept, in fact, Islam was the first religion to grant women a status a rank which has not been granted earlier. Thi status makes women spiritually and economically equal. There were a rapid increase in women’s welfare projects and organizations in the 1960s. All Pakistan women associations (APWA) became the face of the women’s movement. It worked on the social welfare of women, projects for girl’s education, and producing new sources of employment for women.

    Similarly, women’s action forum(WFA) came into being in 1981 to raise the voice of women for welfare purposes. But the real feminist arose when General Zia-ul-Haq implemented the Hudood ordinance. WFA clearly opposed this implementation. Feminism gained more traction in the era of Benazir Bhutto. However, when women are oppressed for their legal rights then feminism movements take matters into their own hands.

    The space of women in politics was always smaller therefore feminist politics is almost non-existent.  Our people need to be informed that feminism is not an anti-Islamic or anti-male movement, it simply strives to ensure the lives of women make it easier and to get equal justice across Pakistan.