Category: Essay Writing

  • Meaning and Purpose of Education

    Meaning and Purpose of Education

    The word education is derived from the Latin word “Educare” to bring up which is related to educere “Bring out, bring forth what is within or bring out potential, etc.  

    Education can be explained in two senses.

    • It is an act that has an influence on a person’s mind, character or physical ability.
    • In a technical sense, education is the process by which society transmits its knowledge or skills from one generation to another.

    Verbally education can be defined as:

                   “Education is the process of acquiring knowledge, developing skills, training, learning of moral values, beliefs or habits, etc”

    Types of Education

    There are 3 types of education.

    1. Formal
    2. Informal
    3. Non-formal. 


    Formal education is a fully planned, structured and systemized type of education. Informal education, fees are paid regularly. It is subject-oriented. It has a specific grading system. Curriculum and syllabus are provided to the students. It is important for a good career as it helps in finding good job opportunities. Schools, colleges and universities are examples of formal education.

    Informal Education

    It is the type of education that occurs in regular classrooms but not subject-oriented and out of the structured curriculum, There is no formal curriculum or syllabus. Informal education is spontaneous. Examples of informal education are self-directed learning, coaching, networking or peer programs, etc.

    Non-Formal Education:

    It also takes place outside the recognized institutions. It is an open-ended education system. In the non-formal education system, age or time limit is not fix. Anyone can get involved in either the public or private sector. Examples of the non-formal education system are vocational training programs, lifelong learning programs, aesthetic activities, etc.

    Importance and Purposes of Education:

    Education is important for people of every age. It is irrespective of caste, creed, and gender

    For Stable Life:

    Education is the most important for a secure job. A person should certainly need to get educated for a dream job and enjoy the benefits of a luxurious lifestyle.  Education guarantees lifetime income as a person can get a lot of job opportunities.


    Education can make a person self-independent not only financially but also it makes you wiser. So that you can make your decisions on your own.

    Self Confidence:

    Education makes you a confident person. If you have knowledge and information you can take part in any discussion.

    Better Use of Technology:

    Education provides us information related to technical skills. It tells us about the better use of modern technology like mobile phones or computers etc.


    Education helps a person to learn about the disciplines of life. It teaches ethical values and manners. People become more mature, sophisticated and well-mannered. It is important in gaining respect in society. It gives people the knowledge and skills they require. It promotes peace in society. 

    Purposes of Education in Society:

    Religious purposes:

    Religious education is the education of a particular religion, its various aspects, faiths, beliefs, etc. Religious education helps people to learn about their religion and teachings of it. So people should know about the actual beliefs of their religion. And how to act upon them.

    Social Purposes of Education:

    The development of society is directly related to education. The sense of well-being is enhanced which further encourages good physical or mental health. It broadens the vision of people and opens up their minds. It removes baseless beliefs and hatred from society. It helps individuals to differentiate from facts and myths.

    • Education develops awareness among society about the actions of the government either to protest against the actions or support it.
    • The most important social purpose of education is to obey law and order.
    • If a person is well-educated and has information about all the rules and regulations of law then he would act maturely. 
    • No incidents or robberies will happen if everyone is obeying the laws of society.
    • Education plays a vital role in the prosperity of a nation. It helps people to learn about more ways of earning. For example business opportunities, investment methods, job facilities. 

    Economic Purposes:

    Education helps in strengthening the economy of a country. It is directly related to the economy of a country. As people’s education improves, human capital also increases and also productivity and creativity. More educated workers will tend to work more productively and earn high salaries. 

    The following are general purposes of education.

    • The main purpose of education is to get more information and knowledge about every little aspect of life.
    • Education can bring positivity in life.
    • It strengthens the mind of a person so he can learn how to deal with the challenges of life.
    • Education makes people more productive.

    So, education is very important for a nation to grow and to compete with the world. 

  • Progressive Alleviation of Poverty in Pakistan

    Progressive Alleviation of Poverty in Pakistan

    Poverty is a state or condition in which income from unemployment cannot fulfill the basic needs of people. It is the condition of a state or community in which they have insufficient material possession. It includes the social, economic and political circumstances of a state. 

    Types of Poverty 

    There are different types of poverty, such as:

    Absolute poverty

    It shows the income below the fixed figure which ensures the basic needs of life like food, clothing, and shelter. 

    Relative poverty

    It is the type of poverty in which a person has income but not enough income.

    Cyclical poverty

    It is the type of poverty that spreads widely over the population but has a limited duration.

    Case poverty

    This inability generally relates to a lack of any basic quality that is needed to maintain a person or family.

    Rural poverty:

    Rural poverty is related to families or communities living in rural areas. Rural areas lack employment facilities.

    Urban poverty

    Urban areas have more employment facilities than rural but there is more competition for jobs and other resources.

    Poverty in Pakistan:

    According to the latest estimate, 24% of the population of Pakistan lives below the poverty line which includes 31% in rural areas and 13% in urban areas. According to the multinational poverty index, almost 39% of the national population is poor which is 54% in rural areas and 9% in urban areas. Poverty alleviation is one of the most important challenges for all countries including Pakistan.

    Different factors like unemployment, economic and social vulnerability, inequality, natural disasters, environmental issues, instability of government, feudalism, high inflation rate, poor utilization of resources, overpopulation, epidemic issues, debts, illiteracy, improper income distribution, no foreign investments, the imposition of taxes, low productivity rate, dishonesty, corruption, poor law and order, nepotism, landlordism, etc.

    A number of programs are indulged in improving governance and public sectors to be able to respond better to the poor by assisting them economically. Economic assistance should be given by providing more income and employment opportunities. 

    Poverty Alleviations Programs  

    The Pakistan Poverty Alleviation Fund (PPAF) was established in 1988 by the government. The funding was provided in three phases with a combined fund of almost $1 billion for poverty alleviation programs and microfinance support. In addition to these phases, the world bank also provided a soft loan facility of $75 million for social mobilization in 2009.

    The government of Pakistan also introduced various programs like:

    • The social security scheme in 1967.
    • The worker welfare fund scheme in the 1970s.
    • The employee’s old-age benefit fund scheme in 1976.
    • Different NGOs are working in rural and urban areas for the welfare of poor people.

    And BENAZIR INCOME SUPPORT PROGRAM(BISP) is still providing funds to the poor for their basic necessities. 

    Factors for Progressive Alleviations:  

    National economic development is the key to success in poverty alleviation.  The poor should be empowered in a true sense. The four sectors of agriculture, industrial, information technology and energy like the coal and gas sector should lead to the revival of growth. The government’s target is to create millions of jobs by promoting growth in labor incentives. Social indicators should also be improved.

    Agricultural growth:

    Pakistan is an agricultural country. 42% of the economy of Pakistan is based on agriculture. It can be enhanced by improving the availability of good quality inputs like seeds, fertilizers, etc so the outputs would be more fruitful. 

    Accelerating economic growth:

    The interest rate should be low for the poor. If the inflation rate is higher than the nominal wages then there will be more poverty. So there should be increased nominal wages than the inflation rate.

    Human Development:

    Human development should be given more importance as giving people more opportunities and freedom to live their lives to overcome poverty. And also given environmental sustainability for example equality among rich and poor. 

    Poor Fiscal Management:

    It is the management of financial resources including external and domestic debts. The government should pay attention to the equal distribution of salaries according to grades on the national level. So that pay package and money would be equally divided.

    Governance reforms:

    The government should bring reforms on the national level like forming anti-corruption strategies, controlling inflation rate, providing equal justice, and the imposition of taxes at a minimum level, etc. 

    Creating Jobs:

    The settlement of labor intensives in rural areas so that the poor should have access to food, clothing, and basic life facilities. New organizations should be formed which provide shelter to homeless and poor people. Business opportunities for the people on a smaller scale also by providing necessary funds so that people can run their own business.
    Vocational skills programs should be introduced which provide the people training and education of the different skills which later help them to work on their own. So these are the few factors that can be helpful in poverty alleviation.

  • Energy Crisis in Pakistan

    Energy Crisis in Pakistan

    The energy crisis can be explained as blockage or shortage of energy as compared to its demand. When the government cannot fulfill the supply of energy according to the requirement.


    After 1947, the energy demand available was 46 megawatts. After that in 1958, a specific department was formed for the dealing of energy in Pakistan named WAPDA. Many dams like the Tarbela dam were constructed for fulfilling the energy demand. 

    1n 1980’s load-shedding started. This only occurs when there is a difference between supply and demand.


    The required energy is 22,000 to 24,000 megawatts. But the shortfall is 3000 to 4000 due to which Pakistan is facing an energy crisis.

    Energy Resources:

    Pakistan has mixed energy resources. Pakistan relies majorly on non-renewable energy resources. Like coal, gas or petroleum, etc. The maximum contribution is from thermal resources. Fossil fuels are used to produce energy but in the near future, this method will become extinct. Energy is mainly produced by oil which is around 58%. We have almost depleted 80% of our oil resources. We mostly import oil from other countries. Thermal power plants produce 14,365 megawatts energy. 

    • Hydral power plants produce 6611 MW energy.
    • Nuclear power plants produce 775MW energy.
    • Solar power plants produce 1000MW energy.
    • Windmills produce 206.4 MW energy. 
    • Causes of the energy crisis in Pakistan: 
    • Poor distribution of infrastructure:

    The energy distribution infrastructure in Pakistan is very poor even though intense weather conditions affect them badly.

    Power Theft:

    Power theft is also the major cause of the energy crisis. Pakistan is not only facing domestic theft but also on an industrial level. It directly affects the country’s economy.  Power theft and under-recovery bills result in the loss of 260 billion approximately.

    Raised Living Standards:

     By improving living standards, the requirement of energy also gets high. For our ease, facilities available also acquire energy thus energy shortfall occurs.  

    Low Hydropower Production: 

    Low hydropower production is also the main cause of the energy crisis. Pakistan has only a few dams which are working 24/7 to produce electricity. Pakistan has numerous sites for constructing dams and to overcome the energy crisis. but the government is not taking any serious action on this matter.

    Low Nuclear Power Production: 

    Pakistan has 5 nuclear power plants. And 2 are under construction. Nuclear power plants can fulfill the 50% need of energy but unfortunately, Pakistan is not taking advantage of the nuclear power plant as it should.

    Many countries like Belgium, are relying on nuclear power plants and fulfilling their energy needs. 

    Fuel Shortage: 

    The fuel shortage is also causing an energy crisis. The fuel supply to the power production cut out due to any of the issues hence resulting in short of the generation of rated energy. 


    The population is increasing every second. New connections are required and when are made thus causing the shortfall of energy. Production and demand have gaps that cause an insufficient supply of energy.

    Climatic Factors: 

    Climatic changes like extreme summers or extreme winters also bring a sudden change in energy supply. Further mishaps or accidents like floods or earthquakes contribute to the imbalance between demand and supply. 

    New Housing Societies:

    New housing schemes are being constructed. These not only need a lot of new electricity connections but also need an uninterrupted supply. That’s why the load-shedding rate is very minor in these societies.

    Lack of Fundings:

    We have to take lots of funds to start new projects. The government has not enough funds to make new dams or power stations. So many of the projects are being delayed due to a lack of funds. And also a lot of maintenance work has not been done due to lack of fundings.

    Miscellaneous Factors:

    Miscellaneous factors like strikes, protests, disturbance in rules and regulations, government instability, an increase in taxes, etc are also the reasons for the energy crisis.

    Consequences of the Energy Crisis in Pakistan:

    The energy crisis has the worst effects on a country’s economy, GDP rate. It badly affects the agricultural and industrial sectors of Pakistan. It also increases the crime rate, inflation rate, unemployment, poverty, and other social evils.

    • Economic effects: 
    • Energy is the basic need for the smooth running of all the sectors of a country whether it is industrial or agricultural. Economic losses are severe when industries suffer less productivity than required causing the termination of industries. Textile industries are directly related to electricity. Due to the less availability of energy textile industries have become local markets. Many textile brands like Gul Ahmed have shifted to India. Because of these reasons the country faces economic losses.
    • Agricultural sector:
    • Pakistan is an agricultural country. 42% of the labor is engaged in agriculture. Agricultural commodities or machinery like tubewells are used in agriculture. So due to the power crisis crops suffer a shortage of water which may cause drought. Moreover, the production of insecticides, pesticides or fertilizers also obstructed thus affecting the backbone of Pakistan.
    • Unemployment: 
    • As a result of the above-mentioned factors like the closing of mills or factories, different working operations or shifting of industries in other countries causing the dismissal of employees and laborers from the working area which obviously leads to unemployment.
    • Inflation rate:
    • The inflation rate also gets worse with unemployment and a lack of business or investment opportunities. 
    • Poverty:
    • Due to unemployment, high inflation rate, the decline in industrial growth, less production in agriculture, and the worst economic condition then a nation faces poverty. Same is the condition with Pakistan. Now 40% of the population of Pakistan is below the poverty line. And this figure is increasing every day.
    • Recommendations:
    • Nonrenewable energy sources like solar or tidal should be promoted to produce more power than petroleum. Pakistan mostly imports oil and petrol from other countries so producing energy from oil is costly as compared to solar or windmills.
    • Pakistan should improve the infrastructure of the transmission network so that in any sudden climatic condition like storms the transmission network should not be affected.
    • The government should pay attention to constructing new hydropower or nuclear power stations so that productivity increases.
    • Power theft should be controlled on every level either it is industrial or domestic.
    • Maintenance of the existing power stations should be improved.
    • The efficiency of the existing power stations should also be maintained.
    • The maximum output should be drawn out from working power stations.
    • A group of researchers should be formed which researches and explores more resources of energy production.
  • Deforestation in Pakistan

    deforstation in Pakistan

    Deforestation is defined as the cutting or clearing of forests and trees permanently to make areas for living habitats of humans and other purposes besides forests. These purposes may include conversion of forests into farms or ranches, land for urban use, agriculture, for grazing, timber to make fuel or construction of roads by cutting the forests. According to the experts, forests must cover almost 25% area of a region but unfortunately, forests cover only 5.2% area of Pakistan.

    The world’s highest deforestation rate was recorded in Pakistan.

    According to an estimation in 1947 forests covered 30% area of Pakistan but now it has been decreased to only 5% because with time locals started cutting down the trees for various purposes like agriculture, for roads and towns, building hydroelectric dams, by mining for achieving coal and gas, for furniture households and more purposes like these. 


    Human Activities


    Industrialization is the main cause of deforestation. Industries need to fulfill the huge demands of consumers which further require high levels of fuel and wood.


    Most of the land used for constructing barrages and dams also obtained by cutting down the forests. This is used to overcome the scarcity of water


    Urbanization is related directly to the human population. As the population increases more houses, towns, and roads are needed. This was achieved gradually by cutting down the trees.

    Agricultural Expansion

    Pakistan is basically an agricultural country. After 1947 people of Pakistan started cultivating crops for the earning purposes hence causing deforestation

    Deforestation For Breeding

    Locals cut down the trees for cattle to graze. And also making habitats for pets and cattle to live.

    Timber Extraction 

    Many 100 years old trees have been cut down to extract timber or cellulose for the furniture or paper industry. This causes serious damage to the ecosystem.

    Natural Causes

     Forest Fires

    It is also the main cause of deforestation. As a region loses its million of trees in forest fires. It happens due to extreme summer or winter.In June 2019,  about 1.22 million of trees burnt down in different forest divisions of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. There were no natural reasons as climatic reasons observed. But professional jealousies and sabotage activities are also the main reasons for causing the fire. Forest fires are also becoming common in Margalla hills due to climatic conditions.


    In 2010, floods began in Pakistan due to heavy monsoons. Climatic changes also occur due to deforestation. Cutting of trees brings sudden changes in temperature.

    Over-Population of Animals

    Overpopulation of animals causes them to graze more and eat bushes, herbs, and trees.

    Climatic Changes

    Climatic changes may also cause deforestation. Extreme temperature conditions may harm the growth of forests; either tree can burn out or no growth.

    Effects of Deforestation

    The above explained are the few causes of deforestation in Pakistan. Deforestation adds more carbon dioxide to the environment than the total sum of vehicles adds. It also raises the temperature of the land. By raising the temperature glaciers will melt and thus cause flooding eventually.
    Quality of soil degraded by deforestation which causes soil erosion. And soil erosion causes the silts to enter the lakes, streams and other water resources. Thus reducing the water quality which directly affects the health of people.

    Everything in the environment is interconnected and depends on each other. Any disruption in the chain disrupts the whole ecosystem. Pakistan needs to be sustainable environmentally in order to progress in the world. The government should not let our environment and forests be destroyed for short term profits.

  • Economic Challenges of Pakistan

    Definition of Economy

    Economic Challenges for Pakistan

    We can define the economy as a state of a country or a region by making and trading things of value. It may be physical things or services as done by people. It may also define as careful management of sources which are natural reservoirs or human skill development of a country. Basically it is used to measure how states use their resources in order to fulfill their commodities and how they trade them to other states or societies.

    Economic Challenges for Pakistan 

    • We export less and import more. We prefer the use of imported goods from foreign countries rather than locally made goods. Unless we don’t change our attitude regarding this gap we will not be capable of decreasing the gap between export and import ratio. The lower the gap is, the more we will be able to become economically strong as we have not to rely on other country’s goods. 
    • We also face water and energy shortage resources. And it is not because we are not producing enough electricity but it is because only 45% is billing while the other 55% of people are those who are stealing electricity. Also, the government of Pakistan is paying 200 billion rupees for electricity subsidies.
    • For water shortage, there are only available constructed dams like Tarbella since 1974ut additional dams have not been constructed. Watercourse losses of 20-25% this year and due to this reason water is distributed unevenly.

    Factors Affecting Economy:

    The economy depends on the following factors

    Human resources

    Human resources mean the skills of that specific state. Their creative abilities, training, and education. Human resource management works on two areas that is the selection and recruitment. The unemployment rate is 5%.human resource department is not fulfilling its responsibility. It should determine how much percent of people should be encouraged in business. How much in IT, in arts and also other departments accordingly. So by training and improving their skills, we would be able to contribute to our economy. The literacy rate also contributes to the state’s economy.

    Natural reservoirs 

    Natural reservoirs are also the main source of stabling the country’s economy. The resources beneath the land or underground resources like oil, copper, coal, gas, metals, non-metals, and minerals, etc. Pakistan needs to focus on natural resources to earn by exporting the resources like other developed countries are exporting as Saudi Arabia.

    Capital formation

    Capital information includes land, building, machinery, power, transportation, etc. Producing all these man-made products and acquiring is termed as capital formation. Capital formation helps in increasing the labor or capital ratio as required to produce these products. So increasing the input and output growth of the economy. Thus also decreasing the rate of unemployment.

    Technological development

    In Pakistan, its setup is 3.5 billion$ and in contrast to India is 150 billion$ setup and accordingly, the export of software is 700million$ per annum and in India it is130$ dollars.

    We should take steps in IT to improve our economy.

    Role of Democracy in building Economy

    The political factor is also an important factor in determining the economy of a country. If a country is stable politically then investors urge to invest there so it helps in improving the economy. Hence, Pakistan is not stable in this sense as the government is still unstable for making the country corruption-free and also to unite the political parties together. So there is no situation of law and order so foreign investors are reluctant to invest. 

    Democracy can be defined as the government elected by the majority of the people of a state. People may run it directly or by the elective representatives. In a democratic government, there is a higher GDP rate due to civil liberties and a very reduced social conflict. Democracy also helps in eradicating various programs that are not beneficial for the people of a state or country and the most important advantage is that it is responsive, legitimate, and there will be accountability for every action of the government. There will be a reduced poverty rate and unemployment. When people are satisfied with the government then the economy will eventually boost up. 

    The Supremacy of Law

    All people have equal rights according to the constitution of 1973, article no.25. It ensures that all are equal before the law and there shall be no discrimination on the basis of sex alone. So if law practiced on every level from poor to the middle class and middle class to elite class then there will be no air of injustice and people will be aware of the rules and regulations of law.  

    International Relations

    International relations are the relations of a country with other countries or states of the world. It includes cooperation, sharing of resources and technology while also helping each other in pandemics, terrorism, etc.

    So a country should develop good relations with neighbors and also with the whole world. Good International relations help in the growth of the economy. It is the need for a country to have good international relations. A country cannot be isolated from other countries. The whole world is dependent on each other for the sharing of resources. 

    National Branding

    It is very important for a country to market on a global level in order to grow its economy. National branding can be done in various ways is marketing the products of a country on the international level, presence on social media presenting the culture and heritage in vlogs, good governance, a better trading system, and improving tourist attractions and showing it to the world. All these factors if presented well on the global level then more nations, societies, and people would attract that specific state. It also helps in improving the image of a state or country to the whole world. And also a major factor in economic growth. 

    Political Agendas

    Politicians run many campaigns in order to win elections. If the politicians are loyal and sincere to the state then these agendas urge the nation to support the politicians. The promises during campaigns turn into reality one time and which in turn improves the economic conditions of the state. The economy grows by increasing employment opportunities, business, and academic facilities, improving international trade, etc.

    Elimination of Poverty

    Different employment opportunities will be created When politicians play their roles very well. Poverty can be eliminated by improving the education system, providing jobs to people, improving fiscal conditions and also having good governance. These following factors help in eliminating poverty which in turn will improve the economic conditions of the state. 

    End of Terrorism

    A strong political setup is needed to deal with chaos, civil war, and terrorism. Nations have won the war on the table. Terrorism exploits the economic state of a country very badly. Sound political conditions can overcome the war of terrorism. 

    Eventually, the economic conditions of the state can be improved.

    GDP Rate

    GDP worth is 313 billion and we stand at 41st at world ranking and GDP growth rate was 3.3% in June 2019 but expected to be 5.5% at the end of the current year. GDP growth rate is very low in Pakistan as it is in developed countries. To explain the GDP rate I will share the example of the neighbor country India. India increases its GDP rate by providing foreign investors to invest.

    • Labor should be cheap
    • Law and order rate should be maintained
    • Corruption free culture
    • No terrorist activity and blast
    • Politically stable
    • Pakistan is in this state due to these above factors are not present here. And these act as repulsive forces for investors to invest. Foreign investors search for an economically stable country.

    Inflation rate 

    The inflation rate becomes 10% in 2019 as it was 5% lesser in the previous year. Thus how the value of rupee devalues. Our per capita income is 1600$. So the dollar rate increases and the government has to pay itself and by increasing taxes on people.


    • Some are the indicators for the economy.
    • Pakistan has 42% engaged in agriculture but only 19% contributing to the economy. 
    • The industry engages 23% and shares in the economy is 21%
    • In services, engaged people are 35% and contribution is 60%
    • Another indicator is people under the poverty line
    • The yardstick for determining poverty is 1.25$
    • The average percentage of the poverty line is 30.
    • Another important thing is about loans which are 92-100 billion dollars. The government has to pay installment monthly or quarterly based. The government collects dollars from banks. Thus the value of the dollar rises and rupee devalues. And the government imposes taxes as conditioned by countries from which the government took the loan or IMF.
    • The IMF also looks for austerity measures so how can you return the loan then conditionality imposed. By increasing taxes and also by increasing fares that are under government control. So how this economy gets poor.


    To create a very conducive environment in Pakistan for doing ease of business and creating an environment for foreign investment because that is going to create jobs and economic activity will begin so the government can collect revenue from this activity. That’s how the government can spend it in different ways like welfare projects for people.