Category: Feminism

  • There Should be Colleges Just for Men/Boys and for Women/girls


    co-education essay
    • Introduction
    • Current scenario of education in Pakistan 
    • Need for education
    • Concept of gender in Muslims
    • Culture of Pakistan
    • Factors responsible for separate institutions
    • Perception of coeducation in our society
    • Factor to increase the literacy rate in our society
    • Possible results of a separate education system
    • Conclusion


    Human beings are the most blessed creature of the universe. Humans have priority because of sentience on other creatures. Education plays a great role in developing manners, ethics, moral values to move in a society.  As quoted by Nelson Mandela:

    “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world’”

    The word education is derived from the Latin word “Educare” to bring up which is related to educere “Bring out, bring forth what is within or bring out potential, etc.  

    Education can be explained in two senses.

    • It is an act that has an influence on a person’s mind, character or physical ability.
    • In a technical sense, education is the process by which society transmits its knowledge or skills from one generation to another.

    Type of Education

    Formal Education

    Formal education is a fully planned, structured and systemized type of education. Informal education, fees are paid regularly. It is subject-oriented. It has a specific grading system. Curriculum and syllabus are provided to the students. It is important for a good career as it helps in finding good job opportunities. Schools, colleges and universities are examples of formal education.

    Informal Education

    It is the type of education that occurs in regular classrooms but not subject-oriented and out of the structured curriculum, There is no formal curriculum or syllabus. Informal education is spontaneous. Examples of informal education are self-directed learning, coaching, networking or peer programs, etc.

    Non-Formal Education:

    It also takes place outside the recognized institutions. It is an open-ended education system. In the non-formal education system, age or time limit is not fix. Anyone can get involved in either the public or private sector. Examples of the non-formal education system are vocational training programs, lifelong learning programs, aesthetic activities, etc.

    Current Scenario of Education in Pakistan

    Pakistan is facing a very critical situation in the education system. Pakistan ranked 113th out of 120 countries in education according to UNESCO’s education system. Pakistan’s literacy rate is only 57%. 

    Need for Education

    co-education essay

    Education is as necessary as oxygen to survive. It gives knowledge, builds confidence, and opens the doors of opportunities to compete with the world. Education helps people to survive on the individual level, national level, and international level. It overcomes poverty, provides employment, boosts up the economy of a country, decreases crime level, and these types of various factors make a nation super strong.

    Concept of Gender in Muslims

    Pakistan is a Muslim country. The concept of genderism is different in Islam as compared to the West. According to Islam, scriptures or cultural traditions may affect the relationship between males and females. Islam gives proper dress codes for Muslim women.

    As in the Holy Quran

    “O children of Adam, we have provided you with garments to cover your bodies, as well as for luxury. But the best garment is the garment of righteousness. These are some of God’s signs, that they may take heed.” 7:26

    So if we are living in a society that has a co-education system then there will be more evil things related to Islamic purdah. Islam has gender discrimination in the sense that women are obligated to cover themselves by doing hijab or veil. Women and men are spiritually equal but it has been preferred that men are superior to women as they are both physically and emotionally strong. So separating institutes for men and women is quite necessary according to Islam.

    Culture of Pakistan

    Pakistan is an Islamic country so it practices the Muslim culture of ancient Rashideen caliphate to the early Ummayad period. Islam does not allow coeducation. So it is a tradition of Islam from caliphates to the present era. And Muslims follow this tradition. It also fulfills the complete dress code as guided by Islam. Our cultural and moral values do not allow coeducation according to the Islamic code of conduct.

    Factors Responsible for Separate Institutes

    There are so many factors which explain why separate institutes are necessary

    • First, it is again the law of nature. Boys and girls are temperamentally different from each other 
    • They have different duties to perform. According to Islam, a girl is required to receive education in order to become a good wife and a good mother. 
    • But coeducation may have negative impacts on the minds of teenagers
    • Strict traditional parents are also reasons for demanding separate schools and colleges for girls and boys.
    • Unethical situations may be developed. When both girls and boys study in the same place there would be more chances of unethical activities like harassment or emotional foolishness.
    • Depression or physiological problems are the main reasons for the co-education system.
    • It is natural that the opposite sex attracts each other, this can disturb the momentum of the study. And this is the main reason students destroy their future.
    • Some religious parents do not allow their daughters due to the co-education system because they think this as immoral and unethical activities.

    Perception of Co-Education System

    Coeducation is perceived as a useful education system but actually is not. Many advantages of the co-education system like to build confidence or develop a sense of competition have been explained but it has more disadvantages than advantages. So Islamic countries discourage the co-education system. It is basically the western education system. And it is restricted in Islam. 

    Factors to Increase Literacy Rate

    It is a strong factor in increasing the literacy rate in those countries which oppose the co-education system. Parents ban their daughters to join those schools, colleges or universities that have a co-education system. So having separate schools, colleges or institutes influence the literacy rate. Education is a very necessary element for girls. When girls are educated, their countries become more strong and prosperous.

    Stated by Michelle Obama.

    To educate a girl is to reduce poverty.

    Stated by Kofi Annan. 

    If you educate a man, you educate an individual but if you educate a woman, you educate a nation.

    African proverb.

    Possible Results of Separate Institutes

    Single-sex schools or colleges yield better results. Females feel more comfortable in girls than in boys. Separate schools and colleges have less violence, gender discrimination, and physical or emotional harassment.

    Boys and girls have a different attitude towards learning. Boys learn better in cool classrooms while girls perform better in warm classrooms as reveals from studies. So there should be separate schools and colleges for boys and girls according to their learning perspectives. 

    Purposes of Education in Society:

    Religious Purposes

    Religious education is the education of a particular religion, its various aspects, faiths, beliefs, etc. Religious education helps people to learn about their religion and teachings of it. So people should know about the actual beliefs of their religion. And how to act upon them.

    Social Purposes of Education

    The development of society is directly related to education. The sense of well-being is enhanced which further encourages good physical or mental health. It broadens the vision of people and opens up their minds. It removes baseless beliefs and hatred from society. It helps individuals to differentiate from facts and myths.

    • Education develops awareness among society about the actions of the government either to protest against the actions or support it.
    • The most important social purpose of education is to obey law and order.
    • If a person is well-educated and has information about all the rules and regulations of law then he would act maturely. 
    • No incidents or robberies will happen if everyone is obeying the laws of society.
    • Education plays a vital role in the prosperity of a nation. It helps people to learn about more ways of earning. For example business opportunities, investment methods, job facilities. 

    Economic Purposes

    Co-education Essay

    Education helps in strengthening the economy of a country. It is directly related to the economy of a country. As people’s education improves, human capital also increases and also productivity and creativity. More educated workers will tend to work more productively and earn high salaries. 

    The following are general purposes of education.

    • The main purpose of education is to get more information and knowledge about every little aspect of life.
    • Education can bring positivity in life.
    • It strengthens the mind of a person so he can learn how to deal with the challenges of life.
    • Education makes people more productive.

    So, education is very important for a nation to grow and to compete with the world. 


    The consequences of co-education are harsh. Pakistan is an Islamic republic. And 95% of people residing in Pakistan are Muslims. Islam influences purdah on women or girls. The term hijab mentioned in Quran is 5 times.

    “O you Children of Adam! We have bestowed on you raiment to cover your shame as well as to be an adornment to you. But the raiment of righteousness, that is the best. Such are among the Signs of Allah, that they may receive admonition.” AL-Quran(7:26)

    And another verse says,

    “O Prophet, tell your wives and your daughters and the women of the believers to draw their cloaks close round them (when they go abroad). That will be better, so that they may be recognized and not annoyed. Allah is ever Forgiving, Merciful.” Al-Quran(33:59)

    Hence, it is clear from both religiously and culturally that separate schools, colleges, and universities are far better than the co-education system.

  • Feminism

    feminism in pakistan

     “ Feminism is a theory of equality in the social, political and  economical beliefs of both genders”

    History of the Feminism

    Henrich Cornelius Agrippa and Modesta di Pozza di worked for feminism in the 16th century.
    In 1792, a book published named “The vindication of the rights of women”. In this book, the writer argued for the equal education of women to become more capable and independent. The wave of feminism began in 1848 in Seneca falls when the first gathering devoted to the equal rights of women. Elizabeth Cady Stanton was the leading figure for the first organized women’s rights movement. 

    Basically, feminism is divided into three waves. 

    1. The first wave started in the early 19th and 20th century refers mainly to the suffrage movements concerned with women’s rights to vote.
    2.  The second wave started from the early 1960s to 1980s which refers to the social rights of women
    3. The third wave is from the 1990s which refers to the continuation of the 2nd wave and also a response to the failure of the second wave.

    Types of Feminism

    • Radical feminism
    • Socialist feminism
    • Cultural feminism
    • Liberal feminism
    • Islamic feminism

    Radical Feminism

    It is the most extreme form of feminism. Its influences on there should be the complete elimination of gender from society to overcome the concept of sexism from society. For example, a radical feminist would say that new technologies should be introduced like to grow babies outside the woman’s body so as to be equal to men. In fact, the whole traditional family system is rejected.

    Socialist Feminism

    It is a bit less extreme than radical feminism but still calls to end capitalism. It focuses on social and economic politics. A Socialist feminist argues that capitalism oppresses the social rights of women as men get higher pay than women for the same job.

    Cultural Feminism

    Cultural feminism actually originated from radical feminism. It is based on a theory that men and women have different approaches to the world but the women’s approach is actually superior to men. It influences the philosophy that women are better in cooperation, relationships, and peace.

    Liberal feminism

    Liberal feminism states that society holds false beliefs that men are superior to women in intellectuality and physically. It argues about the complete equality of gender in all social or political means. 

    Islamic Feminism:

    It is all about the role of women in society according to Islam. It aims to equality of all Muslims regardless of caste, color or creed. It emphasizes the role of women grounded in the Islamic framework.

    Feminism in Pakistan:

    The new wave of feminism includes from all over the society regardless of status, class, creed, color discrimination. They say that women are known for centuries but have not been appreciated due to male dominant society.

    There are two aspects of feminism in Pakistan

    1. The first one modern, Islamic feminism.
    2. And the second one is secular feminism.

    Modern, Islamic feminism involves Islam for equal women’s rights and follows Islamic laws. This one appeals largely to the lower, middle and upper-middle-class of society.  Secular feminism involves equal human rights regardless of gender and religious conversations. It usually belongs to the elite class.

    Secular feminists are labeled as the proponent of western culture which molds Islamic teachings according to their own ease. Feminism is not an anti-Islamic concept, in fact, Islam was the first religion to grant women a status a rank which has not been granted earlier. Thi status makes women spiritually and economically equal. There were a rapid increase in women’s welfare projects and organizations in the 1960s. All Pakistan women associations (APWA) became the face of the women’s movement. It worked on the social welfare of women, projects for girl’s education, and producing new sources of employment for women.

    Similarly, women’s action forum(WFA) came into being in 1981 to raise the voice of women for welfare purposes. But the real feminist arose when General Zia-ul-Haq implemented the Hudood ordinance. WFA clearly opposed this implementation. Feminism gained more traction in the era of Benazir Bhutto. However, when women are oppressed for their legal rights then feminism movements take matters into their own hands.

    The space of women in politics was always smaller therefore feminist politics is almost non-existent.  Our people need to be informed that feminism is not an anti-Islamic or anti-male movement, it simply strives to ensure the lives of women make it easier and to get equal justice across Pakistan.