Category: Economy

  • Not Economy But Politics is the Key to Success



    The economy is defined as a state of a country or a region by making and trading things of value. It may be physical things or services as done by people. It may also define as careful management of sources which are natural reservoirs or human skill development of a country. Basically it is used to measure how states use their resources in order to fulfill their commodities and how they trade them to other states or societies.


    And politics is all types of activities associated with the governance of a country or organization. It involves all the debates, decisions that have to be implied in a country.

    The interdependence of Economy and Politics

    An economy involves export, import of goods and exchange of services. If a state or country has strong and fine politics then the economy of that country will automatically grow up. Good decisions and good governance lead to strong economic power. 

    “The Practical men, who believe themselves to be quite exempt from any intellectual influences, are usually the slaves of some defunct economist. … in the field of economic and political philosophy, there are not many who are influenced by new theories after they are twenty-five or thirty years of age so that the ideas which civil servants and politicians and even agitators apply to current events are not likely to be the newest.”

    John Maynard Keynes


    It is also obvious from history that the economy and politics are co-related.

    Example of the United States

    A domestic program of Franklin D. Roosevelt is also referred to as the First New Deal. He was the 32nd president of America. He brought political reforms in order to improve the economy of the US. This policy involved a series of public welfare projects and financial reforms. So good politics brought revolutionary reforms to the economy of a state.

    Third World Countries

    Bad governance is the main reason for the worst economy in underdeveloped countries. Poor political setup and the feudal role plays a great role in disturbing the economy. 

    Role of Democracy in building Economy

    Democracy can be defined as the government elected by the majority of the people of a state. People may run it directly or by the elective representatives. In a democratic government, there is a higher GDP rate due to civil liberties and a very reduced social conflict. Democracy also helps in eradicating various programs that are not beneficial for the people of a state or country and the most important advantage is that it is responsive, legitimate, and there will be accountability for every action of the government. There will be a reduced poverty rate and unemployment. When people are satisfied with the government then the economy will eventually boost up. 

    The Supremacy of Law

    All people have equal rights according to the constitution of 1973, article no.25. It ensures that all are equal before the law and there shall be no discrimination on the basis of sex alone. So if law practiced on every level from poor to the middle class and middle class to elite class then there will be no air of injustice and people will be aware of the rules and regulations of law.  

    International Relations

    International relations are the relations of a country with other countries or states of the world. It includes cooperation, sharing of resources and technology while also helping each other in pandemics, terrorism, etc.

    So a country should develop good relations with neighbors and also with the whole world. Good International relations help in the growth of the economy. It is the need for a country to have good international relations. A country cannot be isolated from other countries. The whole world is dependent on each other for the sharing of resources. 

    National Branding

    It is very important for a country to market on a global level in order to grow its economy. National branding can be done in various ways is marketing the products of a country on the international level, presence on social media presenting the culture and heritage in vlogs, good governance, a better trading system, and improving tourist attractions and showing it to the world. All these factors if presented well on the global level then more nations, societies, and people would attract that specific state. It also helps in improving the image of a state or country to the whole world. And also a major factor in economic growth. 

    Political Agendas

    Politicians run many campaigns in order to win elections. If the politicians are loyal and sincere to the state then these agendas urge the nation to support the politicians. The promises during campaigns turn into reality one time and which in turn improves the economic conditions of the state. The economy grows by increasing employment opportunities, business, and academic facilities, improving international trade, etc.

    Elimination of Poverty

    Different employment opportunities will be created When politicians play their roles very well. Poverty can be eliminated by improving the education system, providing jobs to people, improving fiscal conditions and also having good governance. These following factors help in eliminating poverty which in turn will improve the economic conditions of the state. 

    End of Terrorism

    A strong political setup is needed to deal with chaos, civil war, and terrorism. Nations have won the war on the table. Terrorism exploits the economic state of a country very badly. Sound political conditions can overcome the war of terrorism. 
    Eventually, the economic conditions of the state can be improved. 


    It is true to say that not the economy but politics is the key to success. The economic condition of a state depends on political stability. The dream of economic development cannot be materialized without powerful and farsighted politics. If resources management is not carefully taken and observed due to weak political leadership then the economy,  a country will automatically lose its economical development. 

    Good governance ensures accountability and transparency in institutions.

    The lesson of history is that you can’t get your economy right if you don’t get your politics right.

    Stephen Cohen
  • Tourism in Pakistan

    Tourism is traveling for fun either it is for pleasure, fun or business. Tourism is universally known to travel for fun, sightseeing or camping. People who travel are called tourists and places, where they stay, are called resorts. I travel a lot; I hate my life disrupted by routine. Caskie Stinnett (author of one man’s island)


    • Types of tourism
    • Subtypes of tourism
    • Tourism products
    • History of tourism in Pakistan
    • Sights/areas for the attraction of tourists 
    • Importance of tourism
    • Advantages of tourism
    • Disadvantages of tourism
    • Strategies to improve tourism
    • Conclusion 

    Types of Tourism

    There are three basic types of tourism.

    1. Domestic tourism
    2. Inbound tourism
    3. Outbound tourism

    Domestic Tourism

    As obvious from the name, when people take holidays, breaks and trips in their own country then this type of tourism is known as domestic tourism. For example, the people of Pakistan visit the northern areas of their own country.

    Inbound Tourism

    When a foreigner or non-resident of a country visits another particular country then it is known as inbound tourism.

    Outbound Tourism

    When a resident of a particular country visits countries outside the residential country then it is known as outbound tourism.

    Subtypes of Tourism

    Recreational tourism

    The basic purpose of tourism is recreation. To make out time for family and go on trips. That is why tour packages have become so popular.

    Environmental tourism

    The affluent and opulent people usually visit those tourist places which are pollution and environment friendly.

    Wildlife tourism

    It is animal-friendly means People watch wildlife animals living in their natural habitats.

    Historical tourism

    Tourists want to know where and how their forefathers lived. They love to visit heritage locations, temples, churches, museums, forts, mosques, etc.

    Ethnic tourism

    This refers to people visiting other countries or regions to observe their cultural values. For example folk music, dress culture, etc.

    Adventurous tourism

    This type of tourism usually belongs to the youth. They go for trekking, climbing, river rafting, etc. Only people with strong nerves can go through.

    Sport tourism

    This type of tourism is basically for sports purposes. 

    Tourism Products:

    • Accommodation- Hotels, Motels, guests houses, beds, breakfast, camps, etc.
    • Hospitality- Food and beverage serving services
    • Transport services- rail, road, water, air network services.
    • Travel agencies- tour operators and destination management companies.

    History of Tourism in Pakistan:

    From the 1970s to the  1990s, the tourism industry was a flourishing industry. Countless Europeans, Australians, Canadians used to visit Pakistan due to its beautiful sights and its diverse cultural heritage.  PIA was amongst the top 10 airlines in the world. 

    Tourists and mountaineers used to travel to visit the northern areas of Pakistan. Pakistan earned huge revenue in this phase. In the 1980s Olympics were held in Karachi. Many honorable personalities like Queen Elizabeth, boxer Muhammad Ali visited Pakistan. Cricket matches also took place in that era. Many high profile people visited Pakistan in that era. All of those cannot be nominated here.

    Sights/Areas of Attraction for Tourists: 

    Pakistan has four provinces, all of which have beautiful scenic sights which attract tourists from all over the world.

    Gilgit Baltistan:

    Tourism in Pakistan

    Gilgit Baltistan is actually home to mountain peaks. The world’s second-most highest peak K-2 is also situated in Pakistan including Nanga Parbat. 

    Tourism in Pakistan

    Shandur, the world’s largest polo ground is also situated in GB.

    Tourism in Pakistan

    Attabad lake was also formed in 2010 after the landslide.

    Tourism in Pakistan


    The city of Multan is in the province of Punjab. It is an interesting mixture of ancient Sufism and dynastic rule. It reportedly starting with Hindu occupation then witnessing Greek invasion and after then finally witnessing a long era of Muslim Sufism. That is why it is known as the city of saints.


    Tourism in Pakistan

    Tharparkar desert is included in Sindh. It consists of jumbles of towns and villages. In monsoon, the desert is transformed into an oasis and visitors flock there.


    Tourism in Pakistan

    Pakistan is diverse in ethnicity. Kalash valley is an example of a beautiful culture. It is in the province of KPK.

    Advantages of Tourism

    • The tourism industry helps to boost up the economy.
    • It brings opportunities to beat unemployment.
    • Traveling freshers the mind of people.
    • It is a source of employment for tourist guides, restaurants and local people in that area.
    • It gives the opportunity to meet new people.
    • Different cultural patterns can be seen.
    • A well-developed infrastructure and facilities for tourist attraction sights, also play a great role in growing tourism
    • It promotes cultural awareness.

    Disadvantages of Tourism

    • It may create cultural variations.
    • It causes seasonal fluctuations.
    • Imbalanced funding is also the reason for tourism.
    • Tourism puts stress on local land which further causes soil erosion.
    • It can increase the population.
    • It can result in natural habitat loss.
    These following factors can disrupt nature which is the key source of tourism.

    Strategies to Improve Tourism

    Security and Safety:

    From the past few decades, Pakistan is facing the terror war that has eventually had negative impacts on tourism. The tourism sector is neglected by successive governments. So Pakistan should improve security conditions in order to improve tourism.

    Improving Infrastructure

    The government should pay attention to improve the infrastructure of tourist attractions that are providing more facilities, constructing routes, etc.

    Emergency Evacuations

    Emergency evacuation plans should be formed. If in case of any emergency, for example, fire, storms, flooding that tourist attraction, tourists should know about the emergency exits. 

    Easy Booking of Hotels

    Online websites and apps should be made so that people from all over the world could easily access all the information regarding booking.

    Some more strategies are:

    • Baggage handling should be ensured by the tour operator agencies.
    • Our Airports suffer various drawbacks which should be improved.
    • Personnel training should be provided from airport staff to the staff of resorts for the purpose of better hospitality.


    The tourism sector is the only sector that needs more and more exploration so the government should take steps for exploring new tourist attractions. Pakistan is blessed with natural beauty including historical heritage which if exploited properly can boost up the economy of Pakistan. It has improved after the mission Zarb-e-azb but more attention is needed. 

  • Economic Challenges of Pakistan

    Definition of Economy

    Economic Challenges for Pakistan

    We can define the economy as a state of a country or a region by making and trading things of value. It may be physical things or services as done by people. It may also define as careful management of sources which are natural reservoirs or human skill development of a country. Basically it is used to measure how states use their resources in order to fulfill their commodities and how they trade them to other states or societies.

    Economic Challenges for Pakistan 

    • We export less and import more. We prefer the use of imported goods from foreign countries rather than locally made goods. Unless we don’t change our attitude regarding this gap we will not be capable of decreasing the gap between export and import ratio. The lower the gap is, the more we will be able to become economically strong as we have not to rely on other country’s goods. 
    • We also face water and energy shortage resources. And it is not because we are not producing enough electricity but it is because only 45% is billing while the other 55% of people are those who are stealing electricity. Also, the government of Pakistan is paying 200 billion rupees for electricity subsidies.
    • For water shortage, there are only available constructed dams like Tarbella since 1974ut additional dams have not been constructed. Watercourse losses of 20-25% this year and due to this reason water is distributed unevenly.

    Factors Affecting Economy:

    The economy depends on the following factors

    Human resources

    Human resources mean the skills of that specific state. Their creative abilities, training, and education. Human resource management works on two areas that is the selection and recruitment. The unemployment rate is 5%.human resource department is not fulfilling its responsibility. It should determine how much percent of people should be encouraged in business. How much in IT, in arts and also other departments accordingly. So by training and improving their skills, we would be able to contribute to our economy. The literacy rate also contributes to the state’s economy.

    Natural reservoirs 

    Natural reservoirs are also the main source of stabling the country’s economy. The resources beneath the land or underground resources like oil, copper, coal, gas, metals, non-metals, and minerals, etc. Pakistan needs to focus on natural resources to earn by exporting the resources like other developed countries are exporting as Saudi Arabia.

    Capital formation

    Capital information includes land, building, machinery, power, transportation, etc. Producing all these man-made products and acquiring is termed as capital formation. Capital formation helps in increasing the labor or capital ratio as required to produce these products. So increasing the input and output growth of the economy. Thus also decreasing the rate of unemployment.

    Technological development

    In Pakistan, its setup is 3.5 billion$ and in contrast to India is 150 billion$ setup and accordingly, the export of software is 700million$ per annum and in India it is130$ dollars.

    We should take steps in IT to improve our economy.

    Role of Democracy in building Economy

    The political factor is also an important factor in determining the economy of a country. If a country is stable politically then investors urge to invest there so it helps in improving the economy. Hence, Pakistan is not stable in this sense as the government is still unstable for making the country corruption-free and also to unite the political parties together. So there is no situation of law and order so foreign investors are reluctant to invest. 

    Democracy can be defined as the government elected by the majority of the people of a state. People may run it directly or by the elective representatives. In a democratic government, there is a higher GDP rate due to civil liberties and a very reduced social conflict. Democracy also helps in eradicating various programs that are not beneficial for the people of a state or country and the most important advantage is that it is responsive, legitimate, and there will be accountability for every action of the government. There will be a reduced poverty rate and unemployment. When people are satisfied with the government then the economy will eventually boost up. 

    The Supremacy of Law

    All people have equal rights according to the constitution of 1973, article no.25. It ensures that all are equal before the law and there shall be no discrimination on the basis of sex alone. So if law practiced on every level from poor to the middle class and middle class to elite class then there will be no air of injustice and people will be aware of the rules and regulations of law.  

    International Relations

    International relations are the relations of a country with other countries or states of the world. It includes cooperation, sharing of resources and technology while also helping each other in pandemics, terrorism, etc.

    So a country should develop good relations with neighbors and also with the whole world. Good International relations help in the growth of the economy. It is the need for a country to have good international relations. A country cannot be isolated from other countries. The whole world is dependent on each other for the sharing of resources. 

    National Branding

    It is very important for a country to market on a global level in order to grow its economy. National branding can be done in various ways is marketing the products of a country on the international level, presence on social media presenting the culture and heritage in vlogs, good governance, a better trading system, and improving tourist attractions and showing it to the world. All these factors if presented well on the global level then more nations, societies, and people would attract that specific state. It also helps in improving the image of a state or country to the whole world. And also a major factor in economic growth. 

    Political Agendas

    Politicians run many campaigns in order to win elections. If the politicians are loyal and sincere to the state then these agendas urge the nation to support the politicians. The promises during campaigns turn into reality one time and which in turn improves the economic conditions of the state. The economy grows by increasing employment opportunities, business, and academic facilities, improving international trade, etc.

    Elimination of Poverty

    Different employment opportunities will be created When politicians play their roles very well. Poverty can be eliminated by improving the education system, providing jobs to people, improving fiscal conditions and also having good governance. These following factors help in eliminating poverty which in turn will improve the economic conditions of the state. 

    End of Terrorism

    A strong political setup is needed to deal with chaos, civil war, and terrorism. Nations have won the war on the table. Terrorism exploits the economic state of a country very badly. Sound political conditions can overcome the war of terrorism. 

    Eventually, the economic conditions of the state can be improved.

    GDP Rate

    GDP worth is 313 billion and we stand at 41st at world ranking and GDP growth rate was 3.3% in June 2019 but expected to be 5.5% at the end of the current year. GDP growth rate is very low in Pakistan as it is in developed countries. To explain the GDP rate I will share the example of the neighbor country India. India increases its GDP rate by providing foreign investors to invest.

    • Labor should be cheap
    • Law and order rate should be maintained
    • Corruption free culture
    • No terrorist activity and blast
    • Politically stable
    • Pakistan is in this state due to these above factors are not present here. And these act as repulsive forces for investors to invest. Foreign investors search for an economically stable country.

    Inflation rate 

    The inflation rate becomes 10% in 2019 as it was 5% lesser in the previous year. Thus how the value of rupee devalues. Our per capita income is 1600$. So the dollar rate increases and the government has to pay itself and by increasing taxes on people.


    • Some are the indicators for the economy.
    • Pakistan has 42% engaged in agriculture but only 19% contributing to the economy. 
    • The industry engages 23% and shares in the economy is 21%
    • In services, engaged people are 35% and contribution is 60%
    • Another indicator is people under the poverty line
    • The yardstick for determining poverty is 1.25$
    • The average percentage of the poverty line is 30.
    • Another important thing is about loans which are 92-100 billion dollars. The government has to pay installment monthly or quarterly based. The government collects dollars from banks. Thus the value of the dollar rises and rupee devalues. And the government imposes taxes as conditioned by countries from which the government took the loan or IMF.
    • The IMF also looks for austerity measures so how can you return the loan then conditionality imposed. By increasing taxes and also by increasing fares that are under government control. So how this economy gets poor.


    To create a very conducive environment in Pakistan for doing ease of business and creating an environment for foreign investment because that is going to create jobs and economic activity will begin so the government can collect revenue from this activity. That’s how the government can spend it in different ways like welfare projects for people.